Call To Action

The SiteOrigin Premium Call To Action Addon provides additional style settings to the Call-To-Action Widget, which is part of the SiteOrigin Widgets Bundle. These extra settings allow you to take full control over the widget.


To use this addon, go to PluginsSiteOrigin Widgets and ensure the SiteOrigin Call-To-Action Widget is activated. Next, go to SiteOriginPremium Addons and activate the Call To Action addon.


The below settings are those added by the SiteOrigin Premium Call To Action Addon. To view the complete documentation for the Call To Action Widget, please, see the Widgets Bundle documentation page.

Within the Design section, a new Fonts section will be added with the following settings.


Content Vertical Alignment
Choose between Top, Center, and Bottom.

Set the Call To Action container Top, Right, Bottom, and Left padding.


Add a Call to Action Image. The following settings are available:

Select, upload or add an image via an External URL.

Image Display
Choose between Background Image, Right of Text, or Left of Text. If Right or Left of Text is selected, a Gutter setting will be displayed.

Background Style
Choose between Cover, Contain, Fixed, or Parallax.

Image Size
Select an image size from the list of available sizes in your WordPress installation.

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