Adding a New Post Type

We’ll start by creating the custom post type. Go to ToolsPost Types and click the Add New button next to the title. Enter the post type name, in this case, Products. Next, click on the Page Builder tab next to the Visual and Text tabs, use the Page Builder Add Widget and Add Row buttons to build your product page layout. If you’re new to Page Builder, you might want to first watch our Introduction to Page Builder video. As an example, if your product page contains an image on the left and a product description on the right, you would add a two-column layout with a SiteOrigin Image Widget in the left column and a SiteOrigin Editor Widget in the right column. Then, on each individual product page, you could upload a product image and enter the product text.

In some instances, you might want a widget to be read-only. This means that when you add an individual post, the read-only widget won’t be editable. It will only be editable when editing the post-type layout. An example of this might be a Terms and Conditions block of text, it’s repeating content that should be the same on each product page, therefore it makes sense to make it read-only. To make a widget read-only, edit the widget and click the Post Type heading in the Widget Styles right column. There is a single checkbox there, enable the setting to make the widget read-only.

Any content inserted into a widget when building the post type layout will be displayed on each single post type page. The content will be editable unless the widget has read-only enabled.

Post Type Settings

The following settings are available when creating a new post type or editing an existing post type.

Post Supports:
Title: Adds the page title field.
Author: Adds an author drop-down select.
Thumbnail: Adds the Featured Image field.
Excerpt: Adds the excerpt field.
Trackbacks: Adds comment trackbacks.
Custom Fields: Adds custom fields.
Comments: Adds comments.
Revisions: Adds page revisions.
Page Attributes: Adds the page attributes meta box to the post type, this includes a setting for post order.
Post Formats: Adds options to select a post format.

Editable layout: Whether rows and widgets may be added, moved or deleted. If disabled, any changes made to the post type template will be reflected on all posts of this post type. If enabled, the post type template is only used as the initial template – no changes to the post type template will be synced. This setting should not be disabled after creating the post type.

Slug: Used in the post type URL. This must be unique across all post types. Do not change this after creating the post type.

A manual slug must be inserted if the post type title exceeds 20 characters.

Hierarchical post type: The Page Attributes setting above must be enabled in order to select the parent.

Has archive pages: Enable to automatically create archive pages.

Admin Icon: Select the icon to be used next to the custom post type name in the WordPress main menu. For example, we might select a box icon to represent our example Products’ custom post type.

Click the plus (+) icon to expand the label heading. The following fields are available and are optional:
Singular: Enter the singular label for your custom post type. In the case of our Products post type, the singular would be Product.
Plural: Enter the plural label for your custom post type. In the case of our Products post type, the plural would be the same, Products.
Description: Enter a description for your custom post type.

Deleting a Post Type

If you need to delete a Post Type, go to ToolsPost Types, hover over the post type you’d like to delete, and click the Trash link in red. Depending on your WordPress language, this link might be labeled differently.

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