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Display Recent Posts in SiteOrigin Author Boxes

The SiteOrigin Premium Author Box Addon now integrates with the Recent Posts Widget, allowing you to display an author's latest articles directly within their author box.

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This integration:

  • Increases content visibility by showcasing the author's recent posts.
  • Enhances the author's credibility by highlighting their latest work.
  • Improves user experience by providing easy access to related content.

With this addon, you can engage readers and encourage them to explore more of your site's content, ultimately keeping them on your site longer.

Enabling the Recent Posts integration is a breeze, with two simple options:

  1. Widget-Level Integration:
    • Insert a new Author Box Widget or open an existing one.
    • In the widget settings, locate the "Show Recent Posts By Author" checkbox and enable it.
    • Customize the Recent Posts Widget appearance and settings to match your site's design and preferences.
  2. Global-Level Integration:
    • Navigate to SiteOriginPremium AddonsAuthor Box: Settings.
    • Enable the "Show Recent Posts By Author" checkbox.
    • Configure the Recent Posts Widget settings to apply across your entire site.

Regardless of which method you choose, you can easily customize the Recent Posts Widget to perfectly match your site's look and feel. Available customization options include:

  • Number of recent posts to display.
  • Thumbnail size and placement.
  • Post title and excerpt display.
  • Read more link text and styling.

The Author Box Addon seamlessly integrates with the Recent Posts Widget, inheriting all of its powerful customization options to ensure a visually appealing and cohesive design.

Supercharge Your Author Boxes Today

The Recent Posts integration is just one of the many features offered by the SiteOrigin Premium Author Box Addon. With this addon, you can also:

  • Display author boxes on posts, pages, custom post types, and more.
  • Customize the author box design, including colors, fonts, and layout.
  • Add social media profile links to author boxes.
  • Insert author boxes at the beginning or end of post content.
  • Globally configure author box settings for automatic sitewide inclusion.

Upgrade to SiteOrigin Premium today and start leveraging the Author Box Addon to create engaging, content-rich author profiles that keep readers coming back for more. The Recent Posts integration is fully compatible with the latest versions of WordPress and the SiteOrigin Widgets Bundle. For more information on setting up the Author Box Addon and configuring the Recent Posts integration, please refer to our addon documentation.

Elevate your author profiles and showcase your authors' latest content with the SiteOrigin Premium Author Box Recent Posts integration.

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