If your SiteOrigin Premium subscription is up for renewal and your credit card has expired, you’ll receive an email letting you know that your renewal payment has failed to be processed.
SiteOrigin Premium can be purchasing using PayPal or the Credit Card option which uses the Stripe payment gateway. If you’re unsure if you paid using PayPal or Credit Card (Stripe) you can login to the user dashboard to check. Once logged in, click on the Subscriptions tab, locate the subscription in question and click the View Invoice link. The third invoice line item is Payment Method.
If your SiteOrigin Premium subscription was purchased using PayPal, login to the PayPal website to update your payment information. For a step by step guide on adding a new credit card, please, see this PayPal help article.
If your SiteOrigin Premium subscription was purchased using the Credit Card option, follow these easy steps to update your payment information:
- Login to the Dashboard.
- Click on the Subscriptions menu item.
- Locate your subscription and click the Update Payment Method link. If this link isn’t present, you’ve paid with PayPal and should update your details on the PayPal website.
- Update your credit card information using the secure form provided.
Billing reattempts differ according to the payment gateway that was used during your subscription purchase.
If you used PayPal to purchase your subscription, a reattempt will be made three days after the recurring payment failed. If this first reattempt fails, PayPal waits five days to reattempt a second time.
If you used Stripe (credit card option in our checkout) to purchase your subscription, a reattempt will be made three days after the recurring payment failed. If this first attempt fails, Stripe waits five days to attempt a second time; if that attempt fails, it waits a further seven days before trying one last time.