Logo Booster

Enhance your SiteOrigin theme logo functionality. Add an alternative logo on any page; upload a sticky logo to display on scroll. If you’re using WPML or Polylang to translate your site you can add a base and sticky logo per language.


To get started, go to SiteOriginPremium Addons and activate the Logo Booster Addon.


Once your regular and Retina logo has been added to your theme, you can use the Logo Booster Addon to do the following:

  • Change the global sticky logo.
  • Change the global base and sticky logo of each languange translated by WPML or Polylang.
  • Change the logo on any page.
  • Change the sticky logo on any page.

To add a global sticky logo, go to SiteOriginPremium AddonsLogo BoosterSettingsGlobal Sticky Logo. Click the Choose Media button to add a global sticky logo.

Add a global sticky logo from SiteOrigin > Premium Addons > Logo Booster: Settings

If you’re using WPML or Polylang to translate your site you’ll find a base and sticky logo setting per languange available at SiteOriginPremium AddonsLogo BoosterSettings.

The above website has been translated into English and Portuguese. A base and sticky logo setting is added per additional site language.

To add a page-specific regular or sticky logo, go to Pages and edit your chosen page. Locate the Logo Booster metabox below the main page content area. A Logo and Sticky Logo setting is available. Click the Add Media button to add your logos as required. It isn’t necessary to add both a regular and sticky logo. Either setting can be used independently.

A Logo and Sticky Logo setting is available on each page below the main page content area.

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