
Elevate blog layouts with expanded content display options, first-image fallbacks, and Ajax-powered pagination for dynamic, interactive post navigation.


To use this addon, go to PluginsSiteOrigin Widgets and ensure the SiteOrigin Blog Widget is activated. Next, activate the Blog Addon by going to SiteOriginPremium Addons.


The below settings are those added by the SiteOrigin Premium Blog Addon. To view the complete documentation for the Blog Widget, please, see the Widgets Bundle documentation page.


Featured Image Fallback
Enable to use the first post image as the featured image.

Post Content
Choose between Post Excerpt, Full Post Content, and None. The Blog Addon adds the None option which is useful when using the Blog Widget to display related posts or layouts where the post content is not required.

Excerpt Trim Indicator
Customize the excerpt trim indicator. Defaults to ... This setting will be displayed if Post ContentPost Excerpt is selected.

Post Read More Link Text
Adjust the Post Excerpt or the Full Post Content read more text. Defaults to “Continue reading.”

Post Date Format
Select the post meta date format. Choose between:

  • WordPress Default
  • yyyy-mm-dd
  • mm/dd/yyyy
  • dd/mm/yyyy

Select a pagination style. Choose between:

  • Standard
  • Previous – Next
  • Load More
  • Infinite Scrolling
  • Disabled

Pagination Page Reload
Select the pagination page reload style. Choose between:

  • Standard
  • Ajax

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