Circle Icon Widget

The Circle Icon widget has been replaced by our newer SiteOrigin Features Widget, part of the SiteOrigin Widgets Bundle. If you’d prefer not to use the Widgets Bundle plugin or are already making use of the Circle Icon widget, read on.

The Circle Icon widget is best used in our Page Builder plugin. To insert it, click the Add Widget button in Page Builder then click Vantage Widgets on the left and select Circle Icon. The following settings fields are available:

Set the title.

Title Color
Set the color of the title text.

Enter the main content for the widget.

Text Color
Set the main content text color.

Choose the icon for the widget. For a visual representation of the icons available, visit the Font Awesome icons page.

Icon Color
Set the color of the icon.

Icon Background Color
Set the icon background color/circle color.

Circle Background Image URL
If you’d like to use a background image for the circle, enter the image URL here. If your image has already been uploaded to the WordPress Media library, navigate to the image in the Media Library, click on it and copy the URL from the right column meta box.

Icon Position
Set the position you’d like the circle and icon to be displayed in, defaults to Top.

Icon Size
Set the icon size.

More Text
The more text is the final line of text, often used for a call to action.

More URL
Set the more text URL.

Link title and icon to “More URL”
Enable this option if you’d like the circle icon title and icon to be linked to the same URL as the more text.

Open link in a new tab
Enabled this option if you’d like all links to open in a new tab.

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