
Here you’ll find overall layout settings as well as options to change the layout for specific elements like the header.

Responsive Layout
Scale your layout for small screen devices.

Enable FitVids.js
FitVids ensures that your videos fluidly adapt to the screen size and orientation being used. For most users, we recommend leaving this setting enabled. It was introduced to assist in resolving conflicts between FitVids and other plugins or scripts. If you’re experiencing problems with embedded layouts such as charts or visualisations, disable this setting and re-test the problem.

Layout Bound
Choose between the default full-width layout or a boxed site layout bound.

Masthead Layout
Choose between the default masthead layout in which the header and header widget area are followed by the menu or the Logo in Menu layout. The logo in menu layout aligns the logo next to the menu in a single line. Unfortunately, your site won’t display the header widget area when using this option.

Masthead Menu
If you’d like to remove your menu, select the Empty Menu option.

Footer Layout
The Default Footer aligns footer widgets horizontally. Each widget added to the footer widget area will be assigned an equal width column. If you’d prefer your footer widgets to stack vertically, select the second option, Vertical Footer.

Search Results Layout
Choose the layout to be used on the search results page. Blog (standard), Circle Icon or grid.

Force Page Builder Styles Full Width
Force Page Builder rows with styles to be full width. Only necessary for legacy reasons.

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