
Footer Background
Set the footer background color.

Footer Background Image
Set the footer background image.

Footer Background Image Layout
If a background image is set, use this setting to choose the image layout. Choose between default, center, tile or cover.

Set the color of footer widget titles.

Set the color of footer widget text.

Link Color
Set the color of footer widget links.

Link Hover Color
Set the hover color of footer widget links.

Site Info Text
Set the color of the site information text. Site information text appears below the footer and is best suited for your copyright or similar text. You can enter site information text in the AppearanceCustomize > Theme SettingsGeneral section.

Site Info Link
Set the color of any links inserted into the Site Information Text field.

Scroll to Top Color
Set the color of the scroll to top arrow.

Scroll to Top Background
Set the scroll to top arrow background color.

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