
Menu Alignment
Change your menu from the default left to a center or right position.

Set the menu background color, defaults to #343538.

Text Color
Set the menu text color, defaults to #e2e2e2.

Second Level Background
Set the background color of your menu drop-items, defaults to #464646.

Second Level Text
Set the text color of your menu drop-down items, defaults to #e2e2e2.

Hover Background
Set the hover background color of your first level menu items, defaults to #00bcff.

Hover Text
Set the hover text color of your first level menu items, defaults to #ffffff.

Second Level Hover
Set the hover background color of your sub-menu items that are two levels deep, defaults to #00bcff.

Second Level Hover Text
Set the hover text color of your sub-menu items that are two levels deep, defaults to #00bcff.

Icon Color
Each page in Vantage allows you to set a menu icon. Use this setting to change the menu icon color, defaults to #cccccc.

Icon Hover Color
Set the menu icon hover color, defaults to #ffffff.

Current Page Background
Set the menu item background color of the page you’re currently viewing, defaults to #343538.

Current Page Text
Set the menu item text color of the page you’re currently viewing, defaults to #ffffff.

Search Icon Background
Set the menu search icon background color, defaults to #303134.

Search Icon Color
Set the color of the menu search icon, defaults to #d1d1d1.

Search Icon Hover Color
Set the hover color of the menu search icon, defaults to #ffffff.

Search Input Background
When the menu search icon is clicked, a search field appears below the menu, use this setting to change the color of the search field background color, defaults to #2d2e31.

Search Input Text
Set the color of the text in the menu icon search field, defaults to #d1d1d1.

Menu Item Vertical Padding (px)
Set the top and bottom menu padding, defaults to 20px.

Menu Item Horizontal Padding (px)
Set the left and right menu padding, defaults to 35px.

Menu Font Size
Set the size of the menu font, defaults to 13px.

Header Widget Menu Border Color
If a Custom Menu widget is inserted into the header widget area, Vantage will add styling, particularly for any drop-down menu items. Use this setting to change the border color used in this menu styling, defaults to #00bcff.

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