
Logo Image
Your own custom logo.

Vantage also supports the core WordPress logo setting found at AppearanceCustomizeSite IdentityLogo.

If you’d like to customize and make use of the Vantage theme logo, you can find the Photoshop file here (right click and Save As to download).

Constrain Logo Height
When using the “logo in menu” masthead layout, constrain the logo size to fit the menu height.

Display Site Title Alongside Logo
Only applicable if a Logo Image has been set.

Retina Logo
A double-sized version of your logo for retina displays. It must be used in addition to the standard logo.

Display the website tagline below the logo or site title.

Header Text
Text that appears to the right of your logo. If widgets are inserted into the header widget area, this setting won’t be displayed when viewing your site.

No Widget Overlay
If enabled, header widgets won’t overlap main logo image.

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