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Changing Post Thumbnail Sizes

If you’d like to change the size of the post thumbnail sizes (featured image sizes) used in Vantage, we recommend using the plugin Simple Image Sizes. Once installed and activated, go to SettingsMedia to locate the post thumbnail sizes you’d like change.

Post Thumbnails Added by Vantage

The following post thumbnail sizes are added by Vantage:

Defaults to 720 x 380, cropping true.

Defaults to 1080 x 380, cropping true.

Defaults to 960 x 480, cropping true.

Defaults to 272 x 182, cropping true.

Defaults to 436 x 272, cropping true.

Locate the post thumbnail you’d like to change. You can change the width, height, and crop point, or set cropping to false (No). Once you have made a change, scroll down to the regenerate section. Click the Size name checkbox to deselect all thumbnail names and then select the thumbnail names you’ve just edited. Finally, scroll to the bottom of the page and click the Regenerate Thumbnails button.

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