
Blog Archive Layout
Choose the layout to be used on blog and archive pages. Choose between the default blog layout, circle icons, or a grid.

Blog Archive Title Prefix
Display the archive page title prefix, e.g., Category Archives.

Post Content
Choose how to display posts on the post archive when using the default blog layout. If you’d like to make use of the more quick tag then set this setting to Full Post. Alternatively, if you want to use an automatic excerpt, choose the Excerpt option.

Excerpt Length
If no manual post excerpt is added one will be generated. How many words should it be? Only applicable if Post Excerpt has been selected from the Post Content setting.

Featured Image Type
The size of the featured image in the blog post archives when using the default blog layout. If set to None, the featured image will be removed from the blog archive layout regardless of the template used (Blog, Circle Icons, or Grid).

Featured Image
Show the featured image on a post single page.

Post Metadata
Show the post metadata under the post title. This setting hides or shows all post meta including post date, author, comment count and categories. If this setting is disabled, none of the aforementioned post meta options will display, regardless of their settings.

Post Date
Show the post date under the post title.

Post Author
Show the post author under the post title.

Post Comment Count
Show the number of comments under the post title. The comment count will be linked to the comment form.

Post Categories
Show the post categories below the single post.

Post Tags
Show the post tags below the single post.

Author Box
Show an author box below each blog post.

Related Posts
Display related posts on single post pages. If you’re using Jetpack Related Posts they’ll replace the theme’s related posts. Ensure this setting is enabled.

Post Author’s Comments
Text displayed as a label next to the post author’s comments.

Read More Button
Show read more button when Post Excerpt is chosen.

Read More Text
The link displayed when the post content is split using the “more” quick tag. Defaults to Continue reading. Post content must be set to Full Post to make use of the “more” quick tag.

Circle Icon Archive Column Count
The number of columns to display when the Blog Archive Layout is set to Circle Icons.

Grid Archive Column Count
The number of columns to display when the Blog Archive Layout is set to Grid.

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