Video Player

Embed self-hosted or externally hosted videos with a customizable player, controls, and responsive sizing.


To make use of this widget, go to PluginsSiteOrigin Widgets to activate the SiteOrigin Video Player Widget.

The Video Player Widget is ready to be used anywhere:

Page Builder: Insert widgets in Page Builder by SiteOrigin in either the Classic Editor or Page Builder Layout Block in the Block Editor.
Block Editor: 100% Block Editor compatible. Insert widgets using the SiteOrigin Widgets Block featuring a live widget search form.
Theme and Plugin Widget Areas: Insert widgets into any theme or plugin widget area.


Once the Video Player Widget has been inserted, hover over it and click the Edit link to begin. You’ll find the following fields available:

Optionally enter a widget title.

Video Location:
Choose between a self-hosted or externally hosted video.

Self Hosted

Video File

Use the Add button to add a video source file. Once an item has been added, you’ll notice three icons on the right. The down arrow opens the item, the page icon duplicates the item and the cross icon removes the item.

Select Video
Use the Choose Media button to select a video from your Media Library. Alternatively, enter a video External URL.

In the event that you’d like to add multiple video formats for increased cross-browser compatibility, multiple source files can be added using the Add button.

Select Cover Image
Use the Choose Media or Image Search buttons to add a cover image.

Video Playback

Enable to autoplay the video.

Enable to play the video in a continuous loop.

Use FitVids:
FitVids will scale the video to fill the width of the widget area while maintaining the aspect ratio.

Hide Player Controls:
Enable to hide the player controls and only show the video.

Externally Hosted

Video File

Video URL
Enter the external URL of your video.

Video Playback

Enable to autoplay the video.

Enable to play the video in a continuous loop.

Use FitVids
FitVids will scale the video to fill the width of the widget area while maintaining the aspect ratio.

Use oEmbed
Always use the embedded video rather than the MediaElement player.

Advanced Customizations


Enables video controls when MediaElements (the video player WordPress includes) isn’t used or is disabled.

add_filter( 'sow_video_add_controls', '__return_true' );

Prevents self-hosted videos from being muted.

add_filter( 'sow_video_autoplay_mute_self_hosted', '__return_false' );

Executed before the video.


Executed after the video.
