
Display a customizable icon with color, size, alignment, and optional link settings.


To make use of this widget, go to PluginsSiteOrigin Widgets to activate the SiteOrigin Icon Widget.

The Icon Widget is ready to be used anywhere:

Page Builder: Insert widgets in Page Builder by SiteOrigin in either the Classic Editor or Page Builder Layout Block in the Block Editor.
Block Editor: 100% Block Editor compatible. Insert widgets using the SiteOrigin Widgets Block featuring a live widget search form.
Theme and Plugin Widget Areas: Insert widgets into any theme or plugin widget area.

Once the Icon Widget has been inserted into your theme widget area or page/post using Page Builder, hover over it and click the Edit link to begin.


Choose the icon to insert. The following icon libraries are available:

  • Elegant Themes Line Icons
  • Font Awesome
  • Genericons
  • Icomoon Free
  • Typicons
  • Ionicons

Select the icon color.

Optionally enter the icon size.

Select the icon alignment. Choose between center, left and right.

Destination URL
If you’d like to link the icon, enter the URL to be used.

Open in a new window
Enable if you’d like to open the above link in a new window.

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