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Portfolio Template

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Column Count: Set the template column count. Defaults to 3.
Featured Image Size: Select the template featured image size. Defaults to “Sow Blog Portfolio”.
Filter Categories: Enable to display the portfolio filter categories above the posts.
Post Categories: Enable to display the post categories overlaid on each post featured image below the post title.


Filter Categories

Font: Select the filter categories font.
Font Size: Set the filter categories font size.
Capitalize Categories: Enable to capitalize the filter categories.
Color: Select the filter categories font color.
Hover Color: Select the filter categories font hover color
Selected Border Color: Select the selected and hover link border color.
Selected Border Thickness: Set the selected and hover border thickness. Defaults to 2.

Border Color: Select the featured image border color.
Hover Overlay Color: Select the featured image hover overlay color. Select the featured image hover overlay opacity. Defaults to 0.9.
Post Title Font: Select the featured image post title font.
Post Title Font Size: Select the featured image post title font size.
Post Title Color: Select the featured image post title color.
Divider Border Color: Select the post title and meta divider border color.
Divider Border Thickness: Set the post title and meta divider border thickness.
Divider Border Margin: Set the post title and meta divider top and bottom margin.
Post Meta Font: Select the featured image post meta font.
Post Meta Font Size: Set the featured image post meta font size.
Post Meta Color: Select the featured image post meta color.


Top Margin: Set the pagination top margin.
Link Margin: Set the margin between pagination numbers.
Border Color: Select the pagination number border color.
Border Hover Color: Select the pagination number border hover color.
Background: Select the pagination number background.
Hover Background: Select the pagination number hover background.
Border Radius: Set the pagination number border radius.
Font: Select the pagination font.
Font Size: Select the pagination font size.
Link Color: Select the pagination number link color.
Link Hover Color: Select the pagination number link hover color.
Dots Color: Select the pagination dots color.
Width: Set the pagination number width.
Height: Set the pagination number height.

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