
Navigate to AppearanceCustomizeTheme SettingsHeader to edit the theme’s header settings.

Retina Logo
A double sized logo to use on retina devices. Must be used in addition to a regular logo added in the Site Identity section at AppearanceCustomizeSite IdentityLogo. If for example, your regular logo is 200px x 100px, your Retina logo should be exactly double the size, 400px x 200px.

Logo Booster Addon
Enhance your SiteOrigin theme logo functionality with the Logo Booster Addon. Add an alternative logo on any page; upload a sticky logo to display on scroll.

Display the website tagline below the logo or site title. The tagline can be set at AppearanceCustomizeSite IdentityTagline.

Header Layout
Choose from Default or Centered. Default will display the site title on the left of the menu in one line. Centered will display the site title above the menu with both the site title and menu center aligned.

Sticky Header
Sticks the header to the top of the screen on scroll.

Sticky Header Scales Logo
Scales the logo down as the header becomes sticky.

Background Color
Set the header background color.

Border Color
Set the header border color.

Set the header top and bottom padding.

Bottom Margin
Set the header bottom margin.

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