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Page Settings

Page settings provide an easy way to change the contents and layout of each of your pages. The Page Settings meta box can be found in the right column when editing a page and contains the following items.

Page Layout:

Default: Displays the page title, content area and sidebar.
No Sidebar: Displays the page title and content area without the sidebar.
Full Width – No Sidebar: Displays the content area without the sidebar at full screen width. Intended for use with Page Builders that require a full width template (Page Builder by SiteOrigin doesn’t require this layout for full width).

Header Overlap

The header overlap setting can be seen in use in the Corp theme screenshot. It’s best used if you have a full-width image or slideshow below the header. A full width stretched row can be created using Page Builder by SiteOrigin or the page builder of your choice. This setting goes best with the Header Margin and Page Title settings disabled.

Breadcrumbs by Yoast SEO or Breadcrumb NavXT will be automatically removed once the overlap setting is enabled. If you’re using overlap we recommend making use of Breadcrumb NavXT as your breadcrumb plugin. On overlap pages, a Breadcrumb NavXT widget can be manually inserted into the page.

Disabled: The default, the header won’t overlap the content.
Enabled: The header will overlap the site content, the header background will be transparent. The header will use the colors set in the Customizer Theme Settings.
Enabled – Light Text: The header will overlap the site content and use light text, ideal for dark images.
Enabled – Dark Text: The header will overlap the site content and use dark text, ideal for light images.

If you’re making use of the header overlap, we recommend you use Breadcrumb NavXT as your breadcrumb plugin. When the header overlap is enabled the breadcrumb output will automatically be disabled to prevent overlapping display issues. On the pages you’re using the header overlap you can insert the breadcrumb using the Breadcrumb NavXT widget.

Header Bottom Margin:

Include the margin below the header of your site. If you’ve already disabled the page title and have a slider or banner at the top of your page then this setting is perfect to make it flush with the menu.

Page Title:

Display the page title.

Include the margin above the footer. If you have a banner or slideshow at the bottom of your page then this setting is perfect to make it flush with the footer.

Remove the footer widgets and footer widget area.

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