Widget Areas

Navigate to AppearanceWidgets or AppearanceCustomizeWidgets to add widgets. The following widget areas are available.

Masthead (Header)
Replaces the logo and description. Works with all header layouts except Menu inline with logo.

Unwind’s sidebar appears on the right of the default page template and posts. The sidebar will only appear if you have widgets added to the widget area. The sidebar position can be adjusted at CustomizeTheme SettingsLayoutMain Sidebar Position.

A sidebar that displays on WooCommerce pages. By default, the shop sidebar displays on the left. To change the position go to CustomizeTheme SettingsWooCommerceTheme Shop Sidebar Position. If the shop sidebar widget area is empty, no sidebar will display on WooCommerce pages.

Unwind’s footer automatically splits into columns as widgets are added. If for example, you add three widgets, the footer will be divided into three columns.

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