
Navigate to AppearanceCustomizeTheme SettingsBlog to edit the theme’s blog settings.

Jetpack Featured Content slider on blog home page.
Disabled by default. Enable to display the posts slider on the blog home page. For instructions on how to add posts to the slider, please see Unwind Posts Slider documentation.

Jetpack Featured Content slider image overlay. Also applies to slider in Post Loop widget.
Disabled by default. Enable to add a dark slider overlay. The overlay makes the slider text easier to read. Suitable for slideshows with mostly light images.

Featured image on archive pages.
Display the featured image on the blog and archive pages.

Featured image on single post.
Display the featured image on the single post pages.

Blog Archive Layout
Choose how to display your posts on the blog and archive pages.

  • Default: The default layout displays the post meta, post title, featured image and post content all at full container width.
  • Grid: The grid layout displays three columns of blog posts per row. Up to three categories are displayed in the featured image, followed by the post meta, title and content.
  • Offset: The post author avatar and name, categories and comment count are displayed in a left column next to the post. The main column displays the post date, title and featured image followed by the post content.
  • Alternate: The featured image is displayed on alternating sides. Up to three categories are displayed in the featured image. Post meta, the post title and content are displayed next to the featured image.
  • Masonry: The featured image is displayed in a fluid grid layout. The featured image doesn’t use a predefined size so the height will vary according to the aspect ratio of the image.

Due to the limited space available, the Grid and Alternate layouts will display the post excerpt regardless of the Post Content setting selected. The Post excerpt read more link works well with the Grid and Alternate layouts. By default this setting is enabled, it can be disabled from AppearanceCustomizeTheme SettingsBlog Post excerpt read more link

Post Content
Choose how to display your post content on the blog and archive pages. Choose between Full Post or Post Excerpt. Select Full Post if using the “more” quicktag.

Excerpt Length
If no manual post excerpt is added one will be generated. Choose how many words it should be.

Post excerpt read more link
If you’ve selected Post Excerpt in the Post Content setting above then this setting can be enabled to display a Read More link below each post’s excerpt on blog and archive pages.

Date on single and archive posts.
Display the published date on single post, blog and archive pages.

Categories on single and archive posts.
Display post categories on both single post, blog and archive pages.

Comments link on single and archive posts.
Display the comment count link single post, blog and archive pages.

Tags on single posts.
Display the post tags at the bottom of the single post page.

Related posts on single post.
Display related posts at the bottom of the single post page.

Unwind also offers support for Yet Another Related Posts Plugin (YARPP). If you’d like full control over the related posts displayed at the bottom of each single post, we recommend installing YARPP. To do so, go to PluginsAdd New and search for Yet Another Related Posts Plugin. Install and activate. Finally, go to SettingsYARPP and setup the plugin. If YARPP is activated, the default Unwind recommended posts won’t be used.

In order for YARPP to display correctly, the following settings must be attended to:

  1. Automatically display related content from YARPP Basic on: Disable this setting, ensure none of the checkboxes are enabled.
  2. Below, you’ll see an option to enable List, Thumbnails or Custom format. Select the last option, Custom Format.

Author box on single post.
Display the author information at the bottom of the single post page.

Search fallback image
Add an image that will be used in search results if no featured image has been added to a post or page.

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