Page Settings

Page settings provide an easy way to change the contents and layout of each of your pages. The Page Settings meta box can be found in the right column when editing a page and contains the following items.

Page Layout:

Default: Displays the page title, content area and sidebar.
No Sidebar: Displays the page title and content area without the sidebar.
Full Width: Displays the content area without the sidebar at full-screen width.
Full Width, With Sidebar: Displays the content area with the sidebar at full-screen width.

Page Title:

Display the page title.

Header Bottom Margin:

Include the margin below the header of your site. If you’ve already disabled the page title and have a slider or banner at the top of your page then this setting is perfect to make it flush with the menu.

Include the margin above the footer. If you have a banner or slideshow at the bottom of your page then this setting is perfect to make it flush with the footer.


Hide the header. Perfect for landing pages or one-page websites.

Hide the footer widgets and footer widget area.

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