
Space between the rows

By Roxane Amyot, 7 years ago
Hello, I have a problem on my website, here’s a screenshot. There is a little space between each row that have more than 1 widget. I try multiple css codes I past a lot of hours on this problem but nothing works. How to et rid of this white space between my row ? thank…

Something Very Odd, slowing everything down

By David Orf, 7 years ago
I’ve been using page builder for some time now but all of a sudden some of my pages have massively slowed down and I think it might be a Page Builder issue with the Latest WordPress This Page http://www.downhillonly.com/get-involved/dho-journal/dho-journal-30/ has just 4 rows Top Row two widgets net two rows a single widget, bottom row…

Duplicate a widget?

By siatrisx, 7 years ago
I need to use the post-carousel widget in 2 different formats. So I went into the folder pluginsso-widgets-bundlewidgetspost-carousel And duplicated the file post-carousel.php, renaming it post-carousel-560.php and changing the functions and names in that file. I also duplcated the template ad css files, changing the link to them. When I go in the SiteOrigin Widgets…

Adding Custom Fields to Image Widget

By maddie.malling, 7 years ago
Hi guys! I have been searching around all the documents in this forum and really struggling to get this working. Every time I try something from the documentation my site crashes. All I am trying to do is add a ‘subtitle’ field in the image widget. Please can someone help with what I need to…

Live Editor not showing up when using Domain Mapping plugin.

By leslieg, 7 years ago
We have a domain mapping plugin and for our domain mapped sites, Live Editor doesn’t show the preview. Our multi-site admin interface uses sub-domains and a mapped domain for the front end. It seems that the difference in URLs is causing an error: “Refused to display ‘https://labor-stage.ucsc.edu/?siteorigin_panels_live_editor=true’ in a frame because it set ‘X-Frame-Options’ to…

Full height responsive hero

Hi Chaps, kreativhouse.com I had my front page hero slider looking great on my desktop screen. Full height (no scroll). When I open on mobile the lower text drops off the page. I have now modified the height settings from VH 99.9 to 100% so the page is still usable. I think this is due…

Content misplaced on page

By Hans Willem Rienks, 7 years ago
On our website the content of the siteOrigin Pagebuilder has been placed twice. Once in the submenu and once in de content container http://hwyachtcharter.nl/?page_id=3974&preview=true How can we get the content removed from the submenu? Kind regards, Hans Willem Rienks

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