
SiteOrigin Image Widget Customisation

By Tim Acreman, 7 years ago
Hello, first time here. I just wanted to add more options to the image size drop down list in the SiteOrigin Image widget. Cant for the life of me find the code. Have been through a heap of file but i dont know where to look. Can someone please point me in the right direction?…

Rocked_Video_Widget is not available

By Moriah Diamond Maui, 7 years ago
No more videos or side bar. and I also get this error: “”The widget Rocked_Video_Widget is not available. Please try locate and install the missing plugin. Post on the support forums if you need help.”” I no longer see the Rocked_Video_Widget instead i see a video player widget on the SiteOrigin Widgets Bundle. How do…

Issue with Horizontal Alignment for Widgets

By Iluho International, 7 years ago
Hi, I am building a site called http://www.heiu.sg/. If you open up the link, you would see that I have Smart Slider on top and another row of 3 widgets. The slider was forced stretched via Appearance -> Custom CSS: .siteorigin-panels-stretch { padding-right: 0 !important; padding-left: 0 !important; } My questions are: 1. The 3…

No Full Width

Sorry, I read many posts about this problem and tried changing the settings several times to no avail. Page is at http://journeypartners.com/test-pagebuilder-page/ The dark blue row is set as full-width (stretched also doesn’t work, although the content is stretched, but not background.) Thnk you.

Row layout – full width stretched

Hello guys I am trying to make the row with four columns centred. I try everything that comes to my mind (adding custom CSS ) but can’t make this row to be centred and all for columns to be on with same spacing. Need help to solve this ? http://prnt.sc/dhqsk6

Aligning text with the image inside the column

Hello guys I am trying to make the row with four columns centred. I try everything that comes to my mind (adding custom CSS ) but can’t make this row to be centred and all for columns to be on with same spacing. Need help to solve this ? http://prnt.sc/dhqsk6 ………………… Found what cause the…

Herro Image Not Displaying Correctly

By Chris Hannon, 7 years ago
I am working on a site using the free version of Page Builder and I am having an issue with the Hero Image on the site’s front page not displaying correctly in some situations. The URL is dev.fleurdelismarketing.com/rivalry. I am using the free theme called Make, which I have used many times before with no…

SiteOrigin Widgets Bundle Help

By Kolby Traveller, 7 years ago
Hi I am building a site on WP, and I have Pagebuilder by Siteorigin installed already and it works, but when I try to install the Siteorigin Widgets Bundle, I get a bunch of errors. It is a slightly different one every time. Last few times it said “Installation failed: Could not create directory.” Thanks…

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