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Row Background Image Will Not Display

By brushyfork, 1 month ago. Last reply by Alex S, 1 month ago
Dear SiteOrigin, I am using WordPress version 6.5.4 with Vantage Theme version 1.20.22 with a child theme activated. I have built the new webpage for our church’s VBS using Page Builder’s Live Editor and it looks great. However, when I publish the real page the Row background image for the first row will not display…

Page builder is not responding anymore

By drrnetphils, 1 month ago. Last reply by Andrew Misplon, 1 month ago
Hello. I’ve been using your wonderful Page Builder for our website. We are a really small non-profit organization on disaster risk reduction and I’ve been trying to edit our website for 8 months now and it seems Page Builder just won’t take edits anymore. Here’s what I tried. 1) I edited the content of our…

site origin builder not showing

By Matthieu Reichstadt, 1 month ago. Last reply by Andrew Misplon, 1 month ago
Hi, I have a very big issue with the page builder. It’s not showing on my website so I can’t edit my pages anymore. I tried to desactivate all plugins except page builder and widget but the result is exactly the same. How can I do please? I don’t wan’t to recreate all my website…

version 2.29.15 to 2.29.16: different output and args won’t work

By Rico, 2 months ago. Last reply by Rico, 2 months ago
Hi Team, i have a widget like in https://siteorigin.com/docs/widgets-bundle/getting-started/creating-a-widget/ In your plugin version 2.29.16 i have two problems: 1. the siteorigin_widget_post_selector_process_query like in https://siteorigin.com/docs/widgets-bundle/form-building/post-selector/ handels my args wrong: With the $output becomes [amp;posts_per_page] => 6 insteadt of [posts_per_page] => 6 for example. In 2.29.15 it’s correct. 2. The do_shortcode function can’t handle the code like…

How to prevent TutorLMS to turn Posts into courses?

By Lyubomir Dimov, 2 months ago. Last reply by Andrew Misplon, 2 months ago
Issue Description: After installing Tutor LMS on my WordPress website, I noticed that the plugin is affecting my regular posts (posts that have already existed before the TutorLMS) and treating them as courses. This unintended behavior is causing confusion for users who expect posts that they car read, rather than seeing courses. I would like…

Page is not loading correctly in admin (Showing nttt and other characters).

By sprehestudio, 3 months ago. Last reply by Andrew Misplon, 2 months ago
Hi, When I click on a page that was built with Site Origin blocks, I get a message that “This block contains unexpected or invalid content.” There is also a button that says “Attempt Block Recovery”. If I click “Attempt Block Recover”, loading icons appear and then nothing happens. You can see the example here:…

Error with Page Builder Block

By Jupiter1955, 3 months ago. Last reply by Andrew Misplon, 3 months ago
I am using the Vantage Theme with Page Builder. Pages built fully with the Page Builder are OK but pages built with the standard editor which use the SO Page Builder Block are not loading correctly in the back end when editing. Instead of the content loading there is a spinning loading symbol. When you…

Issue with Post Carousel Widget

By Moti, 3 months ago. Last reply by Moti, 3 months ago
Hi Andrew again, Crossed another widget – Hebrew related issue. When using the Post Carousel widget in a Hebrew mode (I’m using Polylang system) – the Carousel widget only shows the latest post I have edited. I have tested this in various ways and options it is very consistent. In English mode it works fine…

Cannot edit my page anymore using the Page Builder

By Jozef Lambrecht, 3 months ago. Last reply by Andrew Misplon, 3 months ago
The page builder does not seem to work anymore. When I click edit on a page built with the Page Builder and click on the Page Builder tab, I see this: https://snipboard.io/hQEpIs.jpg When I look in the page builder, I see only 1 (empty) element.. https://snipboard.io/lru8xQ.jpg Using latest version of WordPress, SiteOrigin page builder and…

Issue with SiteOrigin Features Widget

By Alison, 3 months ago. Last reply by Andrew Misplon, 3 months ago
Hello, My website recently started experiencing an error that specifically affects the SiteOrigin Features widget. I use the widgets to organize dates and document links for upcoming meetings, typically 3 columns in each row. Recently, however, there has been strange html code showing at the end of the 2nd and 3rd columns only. This is…

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