
Is it a bug? | Margins & Paddings

By spmr-1047, 1 month ago. Last reply by Andrew Misplon, 1 month ago
Dear Support Team, After entering a value for either Top, Bottom (e.g. 30), Left, or Right and updating and publishing it, I went back and saw that all the values had changed at the same time and became 30, 30, 30, 30. Is this a default, bug, or something else I am not doing correctly?…

Sidebar padding to space away from main body content?

By a7xfanben, 1 month ago. Last reply by Andrew Misplon, 1 month ago
Very grateful for the https://siteorigin.com/vantage-documentation/css-snippets/ assistance I found in a past thread. I’m looking to move the sidebar to the right in order to space it out from the main/body content a bit, without changing the menu or header width. I wouldn’t mind if the main/body content got wider (to the left) as well, but…

Image Slider: Images same height (portrait + landscape)

By Elke9999, 1 month ago. Last reply by Andrew Misplon, 1 month ago
I use Astra theme together with Siteorigin. In some of my Siteorign sliders, portrait and landscape images are mixed. I would like the height to always remain constant, e.g. always 500px. Unfortunately the height changes depending on the height of the respective photos (portrait – landscape), I’ve tried everything, including vh, vmin, vmax, but nothing…

Unwind template sections

By eaglesalesresumes, 2 months ago. Last reply by Andrew Misplon, 2 months ago
Good day. I am using the Unwind template for my business site. How do I delete sections like “Recent Posts, “Archives” and “Recent Pages”?? I would like a clean page(s) so I can personally customize/edit it. Thanks for your help! :)

Vantage masthead padding

By fkym, 3 months ago. Last reply by Andrew Misplon, 2 months ago
I’d like to remove (or reduce) the top and bottom padding in the masthead within the Vantage theme. I’ve looked through past threads, but they seem to be mainly about nine years old and the interface has changed since then. Is there some documentation I should be looking at? Thanks in advance.

Uneven layout with Woocommerce Template Builder

By craftylion, 3 months ago. Last reply by Andrew Misplon, 3 months ago
I’m building a product template with the Woocommerce template builder and am trying to add a Wishlist button next to the Add to Cart button using a shortcode with the SiteOrigin editor widget. Unfortunately, the frontend results in the wishlist button being about 20px below the Add to Cart button – as can be seen…

Parallax not working on mobile

By GavinHooperNewton, 4 months ago. Last reply by Andrew Misplon, 4 months ago
I have used ‘Parallax Image’ plugin by Max Foundry on my home page wordpress Vantage them, wont work on mobile… Example of new home page I want to use https://Healthnetworkcollective/home Shortcode example [dd-parallax img=”Full-HNC-Logo-Parallax-Clear.png” height=”750″ speed=”2″ z-index=”0″ mobile=”Full-HNC-Logo-Parallax-Clear.png” position=”left” offset=”false” text-pos=”top”] [WD_Button id=668] [/dd-parallax] Any ideas on how to fix responsive issue, or how to…

Issue with Row Layout

By chrysadtps18, 5 months ago. Last reply by Andrew Misplon, 5 months ago
Hello team, I am using the “Off the Shelf – Online Marketing WordPress Theme” with SiteOrigin Builder. I change the Row Layout from Standard to Full width Stretched, click Save BUT Row Layout field remains Standard. It seems to have a SAVE issue suddenly. Can you help me please fix it?

Vantage Theme: Menu location

By Carla Golian, 5 months ago. Last reply by Andrew Misplon, 5 months ago
Hello, I just deleted Vantage Premium because images were not displaying any longer, and installed Vantage in my WordPress website, everything works fine except the Menu location. I have set it to the Right but it displays to the left on all browsers. Site: carlagolian.com Help will be appreciated.

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