
site origin hero not responsive to mobiles

By rupertnomadix, 7 years ago
Hello..thank you so much for creating easy to use and great plugins.. I am having loads of trouble getting the photos to be repsonsive for mobiles,tried everything not a designer or programmer just brave ,can you help? website online looking a bit rubbish…thank you for any help.. hiddenparadise.org

reduce space in SiteOrigin Editor

By Ziabelle, 7 years ago
Hello, I’m trying to reduce the space that is created automatically around paragraphs, using SiteOrigin Editor. On this page http://www.laquestiondubeurre.fr/lhomme-seme/, It works ok for the 2 first headlines, but under the title ‘Distribution’, I would like to get rid (or reduce) the space between the lines. I need the two lines to be distinct paragraphs,…

Pagebuilder Tab Missing

By Bradley Baker, 7 years ago
Hello, I have done all the plugin testing, deleted and reinstalled the plugin and I still cannot get the tab to re-appear. I ran it with all other plugins disabled and tested with all other plugins removed. The tab refuses to come back! Thanks, Brad

Updates now show all titles and widgets as Huge.

By Beverly Aguirre, 7 years ago
Here is the sitemap: http://empathicintuitive.com/sitemap/ I basically have removed all of the widgets as they look horrible. They must be in a 200 font or something, but according to other posts, it is a bug after an update? I don’t know. I just know the site’s widgets are not legible. I tried the suggestion of…

Additional Query for woocommerce

By Deniz Acar, 7 years ago
Hi, i looked to forum but i did not found about this. I use post loop widget and i set this for showing products. But, if product stock is 0 then product displaying in loop results. How can i set it for displaying only products in stock or only featured posts? ** I tried write…

Post Carousel

By Rolf Drenthe, 7 years ago
Dear all, Related website: http://go-on.tk/ Currently I am building a website and using a lot of siteorigin material. I really like to work with it and it is a great experience using css to edit some stuff. However I am now running stuck on two (minor) issues with the postcarousel. I would appreciate any help…

SiteOrigin builder on other themes (woocommerce)

By Info InstaVention, 7 years ago
Hello members, For our website www.shockcover.nl we use the woocommerce theme atm, which sadly comes with some restrictions on customization. I’m not very experienced with wordpress and its themes, can do coding however but even then I sometimes end up banging my head against a wall. In some cases I end up having to manually…

Widget Settings not displaying in PageBuilder

By Row Phant, 7 years ago
Hey there, when I found and used the PageBuilder Plugin a few weeks ago, I was impressed by what it can do because its such a versatile tool for creating websites. Props to your team. As a developer I use to create custom widgets for several themes/websites. Widgets also need settings, like title, checkboxes, relationfields…

How to show php errors in custom widget

I am developping some custom widgets with siteorigin widget bundle framework, exactly like on this post : see tutorial. Is it normal that I cannot see the php error when developping my widget script (errors that come from the widget template file)? The page load until the error appends and then after the page goes…

Changing title font size in specific widget

By Alex McDermott, 7 years ago
Hi How do I change the size of the title font in my siteorgin editor widget on profilepimpers.com/our-services I don’t want the change the size of title font on every text widget, just for the headings ‘pimp my profile,’ ‘pimp my profile plus,’ and ‘VIpimp’ on this page Thanks

Use So PageBuilder alongside Visual Composer?

By George Plumley, 7 years ago
I have a client who likes using your PB plugin, but their company had a site built using Visual Composer. My client’s wondering if she can install PB and, on pages where VC is not being used, use PB instead. I don’t have a VC license so can’t try it out – wondered if anyone…

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