
Twitter Logo

By ASSP, 5 months ago. Last reply by Andrew Misplon, 5 months ago
Do you have plans to update the Twitter Logo from the bird to the new X verion for your SiteOrigin Social Media Buttons Widget? If so, when? If not, do you have a solution that I can depliy?

Page crashes and cannot edit

By Zylo, 5 months ago. Last reply by Andrew Misplon, 5 months ago
Hi there , when I add products in the page it crashes. As you can see at the following link the products are shown correctly. But the editing page inside wordpress crashes it gets tranparent black and I can no longer edit the page. I instert products using the following code [products columns=”4″ orderby=”title” order=””…

Undefined array key “background_display”

By Bertrand83, 6 months ago. Last reply by Andrew Misplon, 6 months ago
Good morning, An error appeared on my site a few days ago without me touching anything [quote]Warning: Undefined array key “background_display” in /home/…mySite…/wp-content/plugins/siteorigin-panels/inc/styles.php on line 74[/quote] This warning is displayed on the home page of my site in several places, this is really disturbing and I can’t find a way to fix it. have a…

Iframe height not 100%

By Indo French Hub, 6 months ago. Last reply by Andrew Misplon, 6 months ago
Hi I want to insert a sign-up form from Zoho CRM for capturing new users. The Iframe Code is… However, the form does not appear with full height when displayed. The website is being developed on a staging site right now. https://indofrenchhub.staging.tempurl.host/#contact2 Theme: Corp

Restrict some widgets to certain post type

By corcules, 8 months ago. Last reply by Alex S, 8 months ago
Hello, I usually make widgets and i’m working a lot with custom post types. Today, i’m trying to make a widget available to the user according to the type of the current edited post. Basically, i would like to have widget “A” available when editing a page but not when editing a post. And conversly…

Mobile display issue with features widget

By esudroff, 10 months ago. Last reply by Andrew Misplon, 10 months ago
Home Site looks great on my computer but on mobile I’m having a lot of display issues. Mainly the features widget. It’s throwing my “find out more” and “read more” content under my content and making it overall look very sloppy. When I use firefox and use the inspect tool…it seems this blurb is the…

SiteOrgin Features Widget Width Issue

By armandojr423, 1 year ago. Last reply by Andrew Misplon, 1 year ago
Hello, when viewing my home page on a desktop, the “features” widget displays the width at 33.333% of the width of the rows cell. It seems to display correctly on mobile for some reason. I’ve gone through the settings of the widget and everything is correct. This randomly happened after an update to the plugin.…

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