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Pagebuilder for home page not working?

By rrodini, 4 days ago. Last reply by Alex S, 2 days ago
I am using siteorigin’s Corporate theme and pagebuilder for the home page. WordPress keeps forgetting (I’ve rebuild the page several times) that the home page is a pagebuilder page (it doesn’t display the tab in the editor). It seems to remember something as evidenced by the screenshot below. screenshot Am I doing something wrong? How…

Technical changes cause issue with page builder since update 2.29.17 for shortcodes

By jijonline, 28 days ago. Last reply by Alex S, 25 days ago
The issue is the following: When loading page content on another page via a shortcode the HTML tags are outputted as content instead of paragraphs and images see issue on our test environment (newest version of the page builder is active along with the widget bundle): https://ibb.co/pdqLFWk https://scdiscoveries700.e.wpstage.net/about/ Scroll a little bit down and click…

Row Background Image Will Not Display

By brushyfork, 1 month ago. Last reply by Alex S, 1 month ago
Dear SiteOrigin, I am using WordPress version 6.5.4 with Vantage Theme version 1.20.22 with a child theme activated. I have built the new webpage for our church’s VBS using Page Builder’s Live Editor and it looks great. However, when I publish the real page the Row background image for the first row will not display…

Is it a bug? | Margins & Paddings

By spmr-1047, 1 month ago. Last reply by Andrew Misplon, 1 month ago
Dear Support Team, After entering a value for either Top, Bottom (e.g. 30), Left, or Right and updating and publishing it, I went back and saw that all the values had changed at the same time and became 30, 30, 30, 30. Is this a default, bug, or something else I am not doing correctly?…

Page builder is not responding anymore

By drrnetphils, 1 month ago. Last reply by Andrew Misplon, 1 month ago
Hello. I’ve been using your wonderful Page Builder for our website. We are a really small non-profit organization on disaster risk reduction and I’ve been trying to edit our website for 8 months now and it seems Page Builder just won’t take edits anymore. Here’s what I tried. 1) I edited the content of our…

Changing my site to one of your themes

By stevebingham, 1 month ago. Last reply by Andrew Misplon, 1 month ago
Hi, I am now looking after a site for a client that was initially setup by other designers. The site uses the Cssigniter theme Oscillator, now no longer fully supported. The site utilises the SiteOrigin builder and widget bundle and the current Oscillator child theme works well except for the fact that the mobile “burger”…

site origin builder not showing

By Matthieu Reichstadt, 1 month ago. Last reply by Andrew Misplon, 1 month ago
Hi, I have a very big issue with the page builder. It’s not showing on my website so I can’t edit my pages anymore. I tried to desactivate all plugins except page builder and widget but the result is exactly the same. How can I do please? I don’t wan’t to recreate all my website…

site origin not working whole website down!

By Klcstudios, 1 month ago. Last reply by Andrew Misplon, 1 month ago
Hello my whole website is built using your plug in and my whole site is down because it is not working. please can you fix this bug or tell me how I can fix. “”You need to install SiteOrigin Widgets Bundle to use the widget SiteOrigin_Widget_Features_Widget.” all bars say this when trying to fix it…”…

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