
After upgrade Page builder

By Bernadette Meulens, 4 months ago. Last reply by Bernadette Meulens, 4 months ago
I have the same problem, Page builder doesn’t work in pages but in my case besides the pages, I can’t change anything on the backend, at settings there is nothing there, all the settings are gone. But the website is still working.

Mobile Responsive Problem

By THunter, 4 months ago. Last reply by Andrew Misplon, 4 months ago
I have two websites, both with the Vantage theme. Both sites have identical settings and identical plugins. I have literally checked every setting to assure that both sites have the exact same settings. One site is mobile responsive but the other is not. I have checked the “make mobile responsive” box on both sites. Any…

Code being stripped

By Glen, 4 months ago. Last reply by Andrew Misplon, 4 months ago
I have a simple text-box popup on my page, and it calls on a php function script which resides in the header. I am adding code (in text view) to create this very simple popup. It is triggered on the front end via a link click. (I cannot find a plugin that isn’t all about…

version 2.29.15 to 2.29.16: different output and args won’t work

By Rico, 4 months ago. Last reply by Rico, 4 months ago
Hi Team, i have a widget like in https://siteorigin.com/docs/widgets-bundle/getting-started/creating-a-widget/ In your plugin version 2.29.16 i have two problems: 1. the siteorigin_widget_post_selector_process_query like in https://siteorigin.com/docs/widgets-bundle/form-building/post-selector/ handels my args wrong: With the $output becomes [amp;posts_per_page] => 6 insteadt of [posts_per_page] => 6 for example. In 2.29.15 it’s correct. 2. The do_shortcode function can’t handle the code like…

Page Builder Interaction with “Insert Pages” Plugin

By chris_munich, 4 months ago. Last reply by Andrew Misplon, 4 months ago
Hi all, The recent update to Page Builder 2.29.16 broke my page layout. Background: I have Posts of different categories (e.g. Workshops, Shows), which themselves are based on Page Builder Layouts containing numerous widgets, among them Custom HTML Widgets. These posts are then included on the main Pages inside Page Builder Layouts using the Insert…

SiteOrigin – Anything Carousel and Accessibility

By Vince leung, 4 months ago. Last reply by Alex S, 4 months ago
Our company is being audited by the AODA (Ontario’s Accessibility) and needs to conform to WCAG AA. We have a carousel slider right now with 6 slides and our scanner is detecting “ARIA hidden element must not be focusable or contain focosable elements. Some details: Line: Resolution: Focusable content should have tabindex=”-1″ or be removed…

Video widgets question

By Guenter Schueller, 4 months ago. Last reply by Andrew Misplon, 4 months ago
Hello, I have a question about the video widgets. There is the possibility to offer Youtube and Vimeo videos in the widget so that you can stop or start the video, but do not leave the blog by clicking the video. This is great because I have pages with video collections. Unfortunately, this is not…

Social media icons not showing in header?

By rick7, 4 months ago. Last reply by Andrew Misplon, 4 months ago
I have the problem of social media icons not showing in header — which I notice has been experienced by several other people in this forum. The staging site is at https://staging2.focotrashmob.org/. This is hosted by Siteground. I am using a logo sized 400×115 pixels, non-restrained in the header, if that matters. Any help appreciated……

Adding shortcodes to widgets

By craftylion, 4 months ago. Last reply by Andrew Misplon, 4 months ago
I’m using Paid Membership Pro and I’d like to restrict certain widgets so that only logged-in members can see them (eg buttons for downloading certain files). Is there anyway of adding shortcodes to individual widgets? If so, how to I achieve this?

Testimonials not aligning correctly

By norm, 4 months ago. Last reply by Andrew Misplon, 4 months ago
Hi there, I’m using Site Origin testimonials with Create Theme and randomly some testimonials are not aligning correctly. The testimonials are set up to be centred, but in some cases, the centred content is off-centre to the left, even though the content is the same for all testimonials. Any thoughts? Thx Norm

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