
Contactform distorted after update SiteOrigin Widget Bundle v1.58.9 or v1.58.10

By theSaneSpot, 6 months ago. Last reply by Andrew Misplon, 6 months ago
The updates aren’t working for me. Unfortunately. My combination contact form 7 (v5.9) with Page Builder by SiteOrigin (v2.29.5) and SiteOrigin Widgets Bundle (v1.58.6) works fine. But after the update my form is distorted and shows an error: document.getElementById( “ak_js_1” ).setAttribute( “value”, ( new Date() ).getTime() ); PLs help?

Administrator user not able to edit widget

By Prachi Patel, 7 months ago. Last reply by Andrew Misplon, 6 months ago
I have recently updated the plugin to 1.58.5 after the update only super admins are able to edit the site origin widget bundle features and site origin widget accordion. Users who have administrator role are not able to edit the widget and it blank out all the content in widget after the publish of the…

Bunch of undefined array key errors since update to 1.58.10

By K2PLUS, 6 months ago. Last reply by Andrew Misplon, 6 months ago
Hi since the plugin was updated to 1.58.10 i get a bunch of errors: Undefined array key “square_shape_padding” in addon-so-widgets-bundle/extra-widgets/service-box/service-box.php on line 294 Undefined array key “icon_bg_color” in addon-so-widgets-bundle/extra-widgets/service-box/service-box.php on line 286 Undefined array key “square_shape_bg_color” in addon-so-widgets-bundle/extra-widgets/service-box/service-box.php on line 293 Using WordPress 6.4.3 PHP 8.1.27, litespeed Ultimate Addons for SiteOrigin 2.4.2 Any idea how…

Site Origin Widgets Bundle update to v.1.58.9 breaks iFrame and JavaScript pages

By CautiousEditor, 6 months ago. Last reply by Andrew Misplon, 6 months ago
Hi Support Forum, We’re running a WordPress site hosted by Site5. Our Worpress version is v.6.4.3 with PHP version: 7.4.33. We have Site Origin Page Builder and Site Origin Widgets Bundle active and installed (running version is: v.1.58.7), and have never had an issue until the latest update to Widgets Bundle v.1.58.9. Upon hearing that…

Conflict with plugin Page Builder by SiteOrigin

By Indo French Hub, 6 months ago. Last reply by Andrew Misplon, 6 months ago
Website: indofrenchhub.com Theme: SiteOrigin CorpVersion: 1.20.2 Page Builder by SiteOrigin Version 2.29.5 This morning the website stopped working. Shifted the site to a staging site (provided by the Hosting Service Provider) https://indofrenchhub.staging.tempurl.host/ All plugins were deactivated and the website was working. Then 1 by 1 – activated the plugins until activating Page Builder by SiteOrigin…

Page Builder 2.29.4 removes script style form keywords (Marketo forms)

By Bruno Rochat, 6 months ago. Last reply by Andrew Misplon, 6 months ago
Hello, I have a [marketo …] shortcode inside a page builder line. This shortcode is replaced by script, style and form (the Marketo plugin script). It works with page builder 2.28.0 but when I upgrade to page builder 2.25.4, script, style and form keywords are removed. When I tested this weekend with page builder 2.25.4…

SiteOrigin Widgets Bundle update problem

By Quantum Sports Betting, 6 months ago. Last reply by Andrew Misplon, 6 months ago
I use the editor in SiteOrigin Widgets Bundle, after the update, my line code within the editor no longer worked, i had to restore my website to the previous week, i tried the update again but had the same issue, so restored again, my website works fine with the older version of SiteOrigin Widgets Bundle,…


By Robert Bee, 6 months ago. Last reply by Andrew Misplon, 6 months ago
Hi jquery problem still persists. The only difference is that if I am logged in to my website, there is no problem. If I am not logged in, there is a problem. can anyone explain this? www.laczynasdart.pl

Contact Form Error When Gmail Address Used in Email Field

By onesparkmedia, 6 months ago. Last reply by Andrew Misplon, 6 months ago
The SiteOrigin form is working fine, unless the person filling out the form uses a Gmail account in the Email field. I cannot find any settings in the plugin to make changes to what domains are allowed or not allowed. Can someone please help me figure out why this is happening? Thanks so much!

Does anyone know how to disable this noticication?

By Gary Bultitude, 6 months ago. Last reply by Andrew Misplon, 6 months ago
This post type is set to use the Classic Editor by default for new posts. If you’d like to change this to the Block Editor, please go to Page Builder Settings and disable Use Classic Editor for New Posts. It is at the top of every new post and it’s very annoying.

error SiteOrigin Widgets Bundle with Elementor

By Peter, 7 months ago. Last reply by Andrew Misplon, 6 months ago
WordPress Themes – Vantage – Version: 1.20.20 Elementor Pro – Version 3.19.3 SiteOrigin Widgets Bundle – Version 1.58.7 Ein Fehler vom Typ E_ERROR wurde in der Zeile 663 der Datei …/wp-content/plugins/so-widgets-bundle/base/inc/widgets/base-slider.class.php verursacht. Fehlermeldung: Uncaught TypeError: Unsupported operand types: string / int in …/wp-content/plugins/so-widgets-bundle/base/inc/widgets/base-slider.class.php:663 what is the error?

SiteOrigin Page builder, jQuery/shortcode plugins not working

By Danny De Vries, 6 months ago. Last reply by Andrew Misplon, 6 months ago
On all pages build with SiteOrigin page builder are suddenly not displaying jQuery elements anymore. This includes all plugins using shortcodes. It just outputs the jQuery script code instead of the actual element. After some quick testing, when the shortcode element is loaded in without using the Pagebuilder, it works perfectly fine. When entered within…

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