
incorrect display in the browser

By documentydaniil, 2 years ago. Last reply by Andrew Misplon, 2 years ago
Hello. Please tell me who has faced such a problem? The price field is not displayed correctly. In safari everything is fine, but in Google the price shifts regardless of the width of the screen. here is the link. Thanks. Аренда автокрана в СПб

Embed Powerpoint to webpage?

By Timothy Andes, 2 years ago. Last reply by Andrew Misplon, 2 years ago
Hey SiteOrigin team, Curious – What’s the best way to share a powerpoint on a webpage? Would need the ability to switch through the slides and view the standard slideshow of the slides, can be via lightbox or just on the page. What’s the best way to do that within SiteOrigin’s toolset? I would get…

SiteOrigin Page Builder plugin update messed up margins

By Matthew Cancilla, 2 years ago. Last reply by Andrew Misplon, 2 years ago
I updated the SiteOrigin Page Builder plugin and it seems to have added margins on the right and left (the site normally has full width) as well as the styling of most of the content is out of place. Any idea as to what might be causing this issue? Correct View: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1Q6pW-GwJ5e-5AKZ9DVlkq7ME0dn6Nweb/view?usp=sharing Broken View: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1s_NtnnOy9hppIN_74lHRQ6JarIsXcgr_/view?usp=sharing

Vantage Theme how to delete this feature

By Astrid Henzler, 2 years ago. Last reply by Andrew Misplon, 2 years ago
Hi! I‘m using Vantage Theme and i want to delete the box in the right (don‘t know how it‘s called) where is written “Search, Recent Posts ans Comments, Archives and Categories””. please van somebody tell me How to delete this in the customizer? Thanks a lot!

SiteOrigin Contact Form

By scott62788, 2 years ago. Last reply by Andrew Misplon, 2 years ago
It works intermittently. Is there a way to debug it? I have deleted and reinstalled the widget multiple times and each time I test it, it works 2-3 times in a row. The next day I test it and it doesn’t work. Then I test it a second time and it works. It has a…

‘No Collapse’ doesn’t work when page served via Instagram bio link

By Niki Gower, 2 years ago. Last reply by Andrew Misplon, 2 years ago
Hi there, I’ve noticed that when following a link from Instagram bio (served in an Instagram browser window, not default browser) the ‘no collapse’ function of page builder doesn’t work. – This error only occurs via Instagram for android. – When following link via Instagram on an iPhone, it works as it should – Page…

Accordion Widget Slider

By Hart Studio, 2 years ago. Last reply by Andrew Misplon, 2 years ago
Hi all, on behalf of one of our client we should create a site containing an accordion similar to the one you see on this site. Could anyone tell me if it is a Site Origin preset and if it is, how can I find it to reuse it on our site? Thanks in advance…

Widgets not saving new edits after plugin updates

By joeh, 2 years ago. Last reply by Alex S, 2 years ago
Started encountering an issue with saving widgets, changes made are not saved and the following message is shown at the top of the widget: There is a newer version of this widget’s content available. Clicking Restore will replace the current widget contents. You can revert by refreshing the page before updating. The plugins that were…

Problem with the visualization of the articles preview

By SupportMR, 2 years ago. Last reply by Andrew Misplon, 2 years ago
Hi guys, I’ve been working on this problem for a whole month but still can’t figure out what’s causing it. I’m managing a wordpress site that was once under the management of a real programmer, while I’m just an IT technician, and now he is nowhere to be found and this problem occurred: When in…

North Theme mobile-menu-button color

By Lee Butler, 2 years ago. Last reply by Andrew Misplon, 2 years ago
In the North theme I can set the hover color for the “Menu” text when in mobile device layout by setting “Menu Text Hover Color” but setting “Menu Text Color” doesn’t seem to change the color of the hamburger (three lines) or the word “Menu” in the mobile device layout. It does affect the menu…

Corp – smooth scroll with Hero Button & other issue

By Datsyuk, 2 years ago. Last reply by Andrew Misplon, 2 years ago
Hi there, I just set up a new project using SiteOrigin Corp Theme which is really great. I entcountered two issues with smoth scroll within Corp. First is, that it does not seem to work with the button in the hero widget. When clicking the button the side jumps directly without smooth scroll (and also…

An issue with SiteOrigin Slider widget.

By Tomasz Essen, 2 years ago. Last reply by Andrew Misplon, 2 years ago
Hello, I have a problem with SiteOrigin Slider widget as it covers several elements of the page. After clicking on the search button it covers the search bar, what makes it impossible to use properly. Another item that is covered by slider is top menu of the page, after clicking several links of the menu…

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