
Banner is getting cut off when resizing.

By josephgmedia, 1 year ago. Last reply by Andrew Misplon, 1 year ago
This is the page I’m working on. and I’m wanting the background image to resize the same way the banner does on the homepage. So basically wanting the image to stay the same width and scale down throughout but when it gets to a certain browser width it begins to crop off the edges as…

My built homepage is missing

By Mavi, 1 year ago. Last reply by Andrew Misplon, 1 year ago
I have a homepage built with siteOrigin on my website, it is still there and if I go to /home I can see it published, but when I access / it is not. I can’t even find it as an option when I go to Appearance > Customize > , but while doing some changes…

SiteOrigin Page builder doesn’t work

By Pilar Domínguez, 1 year ago. Last reply by Andrew Misplon, 1 year ago
I’m using Page Builder and I’m trying to edit the content of the pages and I can’t do it because an extra tab to the standard WordPress editor doesn’t appear. I can’t change the content because only visual text and html appears, not the page builder. Can you please give me a solution? The widget…

SiteOrigin Page Builder broke

By Aleksandar Popović, 1 year ago. Last reply by Andrew Misplon, 1 year ago
Hello! I have updated every plugin & theme on my website, but something happened. Site works fine, but when I go to the edit page section, orange icon for editing content doesn’t do anything. So basically I can’t edit anything on the website anymore. Could I get some kind of help by any change? Thanks…

Overriding the social icon color

By mforcella, 1 year ago. Last reply by Andrew Misplon, 1 year ago
I am currently using the social media buttons from the site origins widget bundle, with the wire theme enabled. The default is for the outlines to be colored, and unfortunately the css rules that set the colors are marked as important, which seems to make it impossible to override. I have found that I can…

Future of Siteorigin

By cyanez, 1 year ago. Last reply by Andrew Misplon, 1 year ago
Hello. We are an agency and we love Siteorigin but we are worried about the future.Gutemberg is the main editor for WordPress. What is going to happen with Siteorigin in the future, do you have any plan? Thank you very much. Regards, Cecilia

# of Users Per Account (Business or Developer)

By ricky898, 1 year ago. Last reply by Andrew Misplon, 1 year ago
If we are purchasing the business or developer version will this only apply to a single registered account or are we able to have a separate WordPress admin account for each of our websites? In other words can we have an account that is able to use the SiteOrigin plugin for each of the websites…

Page Builder does not load on single site

By z0z00, 1 year ago. Last reply by Andrew Misplon, 1 year ago
Hi there, I have a problem that the page builder widgets does not load on my “homepage site”. When I open the homepage to edit it, I just see the text code and I can choose between “visual” and “text” tabs, but not the standard view to see the widgets. If possible I can attach…

Lighthouse report – Properly size images

By nethub, 1 year ago. Last reply by Andrew Misplon, 1 year ago
Hi all, We are using Lighthouse to check our website, and found a “Properly size images” which is related to “SiteOrigin Image”. We just created a demo WordPress website and duplicated the problem here. Lighthouse Screenshot Lighthouse Report Is there anything I did wrong or SiteOrigin can do some improvement on its code? Thanks a…

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