
Hero heading + video not responsive

By idanicole, 7 years ago
Hi SiteOrigin, I’ve been looking around your support site for answers to this issue: As you can see in screenshot 1, the heading is not responsive, meaning that the lines are just bulked over each other. Do I have to fix this with some kind of CSS? Screenshot 2 shows my editor. I made the…

Origami Theme Full Background

By Steff, 7 years ago
I’d like to use Origami theme on a website however I encounter a small problem. When I upload an image as background for the theme there is no way to make it “fit” the entire screen. Is there a way to make it auto-adjust to different resolutions? I don’t want to tile it. Thanks!

Hero widget width problem

Hi! I’ve read multiple threads about this but none has solved my problem. I can’t make my hero widget full width.. There’s a small space left which i can’t seem to cover… My website: http://www.jesperpoulsen.se/ Using “North template”

Creating an Automatic Table

By Connor Waites, 7 years ago
I’ve run into an issue with making a table fill out automatically. The table is to be used for a competition my company is running, so I need the “Button” to add people who want to join the event onto the table. This is what my table is right now (very basic I know). Position…

Removing image border/Centering text

By gphillips, 7 years ago
Hi, I am not using one of your themes. I do want to know how to insert styles into the rows or widgets. I have tried various combinations of code I know to no avail. For a specific example I can do this manually with html: “Enhancing Your Revenue Cycle Management” This will center the…

How to create new Template (SiteOrigin-North w WooCommerce)

By learning2, 7 years ago
Of course everything has changed since I started building this site. WordPress is now up-to-date with 4.6.1 (which auto updates automatically, this really scares me…) and I’ve updated to WooCommerce to 2.6.7. Everything I found related to creating a new template is now out-dated for the versions I’m using. I copied the WooCommerce template folder…

Siteorigin social media icon issue

By kuldeepsingh, 7 years ago
Hello Siteorigin team, First of all congratulations for creating such a helpful CSS Editor and Live editor. I have a question about social media icon on footer contact page on my website. After every social media icon, it shows a small black colour link sign and then next social media icon. Can you please help…

Forest Canyon Theme

By Deborah Lynne Pope, 7 years ago
I’m a newbie and wondering if someone can help me with a drop down box. I’m wanting to do something like this site. www.allprowaterflow.com find a dealer for service. I have made a tab called advertise. When it is clicked I need a drop down with select hotel by state and I can list all…

Flip-box and Ie 11

By Matthew Halliday, 7 years ago
Hello! We have recently implement Site-Origin’s awesome Flip-Box widget on our homepage. Everything is working as expected in Chrome (and even Edge) however in IE 11, the flip-box does not show the backing on flipping and instead just vanishes. Can anyone suggest why this might be occurring in IE11 and how it might be fixed?…

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