
Button padding

Hello, All of a sudden the buttons have changed their appearance. Their height has decrease. Maybe it happened after an update. Is there a way to adjust the height of all the buttons with a single setting? Changing each button’s padding seems too laborious. Thanks,

Simple Masonry: image id and html

By dibizibi, 8 years ago
Hello. I have a question about Simple Masonry widget. It appears that images put inside the widget don’t have individual IDs assign to them. Would it be possible to change that? If I want to modify them with JS for example. Another question: Can I put custom html instead of an image within this widget?…

Static home page won’t set?

By frizille, 8 years ago
Hi everyone, I’m just getting started with page builder and I can’t get the static page to set. I’ve set it in the Settings > Reading to be static and point to the appropriate page (named Home), but I still get the regular theme around the page. The theme is the default Twenty Eleven theme,…

Set widget class programmatically

By timonstr, 8 years ago
Hello! I need to set widget css class from widget php code. I know that i can set widget class in Attributes > Widget Class input. Is it possible to do the same, but from php code? Also, i know that i can pass some class name in widget constructor, param $widget_options, but in this…

Add media jpg issues

By Russell Shor, 8 years ago
Hi I think I’ve changed a setting and can’t figure out where or what? I’m adding media to my about page –> E.g. alignment left, link none, size medium (150×100) –> insert into page–> update. However, when I view the page the jpg is centered and massively huge losing most of its resolution. e.g.: http://www.maniacalforexmarketreport.com/about/…

CSS not working to make Hero widget responsive

By ChristiCampbell, 8 years ago
Good morning! Based on previous threads, I thought I could figure this out, but it’s not working well. I wanted to make my Hero widget responsive, so I triplicated it (3 widgets in 1 row), set different sizes in spacers according to mobile, tablet, and desktop resolutions, and set CSS classes to each. However, when…

Page Builder stops loading

By Geoffrey Hall, 8 years ago
After no changes to my site or its plugins, theĀ page builder suddenly stopped loading in the static front page and all page content is open text in the page editor. Did a restore of a page revision which resulted in a similar problem and on page update, the page is broken. Restored database and got…

Can’t change certain fonts etc…

Hi! Website: http://www.lifehowiseeit.com/ I’m doing this through the visual editor. Great plugin, love it! But.. Heres my problem. Homepage: I want to change the services Headers/ Icons. When I change the services the website header changes too, aswel as the login widget. So changing the services headers changes multiple fonts. Pages: I would like to…

Smooth swiping to the anchor

By Wozen, 8 years ago
Please, tell me how can I make smooth swiping to the anchor? Is it real? I use Vantage theme, and even in the Hero Page Widget smooth swiping don`t work. I tried some plugins, tried some js scripts but to no avail…

Why is everything overlapping when window shrinks?

By MaxWork Youell, 8 years ago
Hi there, I understand I’ve been very active in the recent weeks and I am very grateful for all help received. For some reason when I make my window smaller, everything in the widget section overlaps? Please see it happen here, and does anyone have any idea why? All the best – Max.

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