
Folders included in Installation

By Eric Haan, 3 years ago. Last reply by Andrew Misplon, 3 years ago
We had an upgrade fail and need to reinstall the plugin but it will not allow me to reinstall as it says the destination folders already exist. I need to know which folders to remove.

Seeking Clarity: Extending existing widgets Tutorial

By Timothy Andes, 3 years ago. Last reply by Alex S, 3 years ago
https://siteorigin.com/docs/widgets-bundle/getting-started/extending-existing-widgets/ I am struggling to understand an item in the first code block of this tutorial. What is the ‘mytheme’ string argument on the 4th line? What is it pointing to? `mytheme` isn’t mentioned anywhere else in the tutorial, and I certainly haven’t named anything `mytheme` in my code. Yet, the hook still works and…

Footer bug

By Rayna Fahey, 3 years ago. Last reply by Andrew Misplon, 3 years ago
I’m using Unwind. If I click Privacy Policy Link in the footer settings in the customiser, it doesn’t have a space between the policy link and the Theme by Site Origin text. I’d like to include both so if you could let me know when it’s fixed up that would be ace. Thanks

Editor widget – responsiveness

By Rayna Fahey, 3 years ago. Last reply by Andrew Misplon, 3 years ago
Hi I’ve been building a site using Unwind theme. I want to create more white space around the text on this page but if I add more padding to the widget it makes the mobile version awful. Have you got any suggestions on how to make the text width constrained which maintaining responsiveness? Thanks

Responsive row/columns (with border and gap) on Corp

By Daniel Hendargo, 3 years ago. Last reply by Andrew Misplon, 3 years ago
Hi, I am trying to redo a web page (https://www.hope-trauma-therapy.com/#AboutUs) using Corp theme. I have a row of 3 columns with the same height. Each column has a “Features” widget with 1 feature. Is there a way to make the row / columns responsive? That is: for a narrower screen, columns will collapse and line…

image grid not opening in new window

By fz750, 3 years ago. Last reply by Andrew Misplon, 3 years ago
Hi, I am using the Siteorigin Vantage theme, created a page and using page builder I added a SiteOrigin Image Grid widget. I then added an image and clicked “open in new window”. I assume theis means when the image is displayed and the use clicks on it, it opens up at full size in…

Getting error at on WordPress site while origins premium usage?

By Amira Rossu, 3 years ago. Last reply by Andrew Misplon, 3 years ago
Hello Everyone, I’ve experience to use good news theme, when I install site origin premium it says installed, when I click on activate it says there is an error and won’t let me into wp-admin, if I delete the plugin from the wp-content/plugin directory it lets me into wp-admin. I have the premium license, not…

Side By Side Images – No Padding

By JaySonic2, 3 years ago. Last reply by Andrew Misplon, 3 years ago
Hi SiteOrigin team I have the premium SO plugins pack, and am trying to have a series of five images displaying without padding. For example Row 1: 1000 x 1000 px Row 2: 500 x 500px + 500 x 500 px Row 3: 500 x 500px + 500 x 500 px I have tried adjusting…

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