
Logical query in Post Carousel Widget

By Rup3r70, 5 years ago. Last reply by Andrew Misplon, 5 years ago
Hi. I´m using the SiteOrigin Post Carousel Widget and want to make a query using logic conditionals. Is it possible? How? Example: I have post”A” with categories 1, 2 and 3; post”B” with categories 1 and 3; post”C” with category 2; post”D” with categories 2 and 3; and post”E” with category 3. I want to…

Accordion Widget Strips p tags

By SoJo, 5 years ago. Last reply by Andrew Misplon, 5 years ago
Hi I’ve seen a few threads on there mentioning this problem (about a year ago!) one which suggests it would be fixed in the next update but it appears to still be a problem. When using the free accordion widget all p tags are stripped upon saving – when will you be resolving this or…

How Can I use SiteOrigin inside my own custom plugin

By Sudhir Pandey, 5 years ago. Last reply by Alex S, 5 years ago
I have create my own plugin and in form I have used following code. $settings = array(‘editor_class’ => ‘wp-editor-area siteorigin-panels-data-field required’,’textarea_name’=>’description’); $description = (isset($resultRows->description))?$resultRows->description:”; wp_editor($description, ‘description’, $settings); How can I used SiteOrigin page builder inside my own plugin. Without custom post_type. I have create wordpress admin pages

Layout widget combination on homepage that make mobile friendly

By Sri Hidayat Sukanta, 5 years ago. Last reply by Andrew Misplon, 5 years ago
Hi, im running a website with themes from theme-junkie (reviewpro), but with page builder and widget bundle of siteorigin. That’s why i ask here. I just want to know there are best combination of widget to make a homepage become mobile friendly or to make the loading fast. I’ve implement all categories to be displayed…

Switch logo (branding) and menue positon

By DayDreamerStudios, 5 years ago. Last reply by Andrew Misplon, 5 years ago
Hello, Im currently working on a website, where the logo has to be on the right. I’m using the site origin page builder and the north theme. I couldn’t figure it out myself. Is there a possibility to do that with css code? So that the logo in the header is on the right and…

Site Origin Widgets CSS being overwritten.

By christigmo, 5 years ago. Last reply by Andrew Misplon, 5 years ago
I have a website, that works on staging. But on production whenever a change is made in the page builder, the sow-default…css files are being deleted, causing the css on the page to disappear. I’ve checked the permissions on the folder wp-content/uploads/siteorigin-widgets and they are matching in both staging and production, and should be writable…

Unable to Edit Old Posts or Pages

By Ayan Brahmachary, 5 years ago. Last reply by Andrew Misplon, 5 years ago
Dear Admins, I’m facing an unexpected issue with SiteOrigin I’m not able to edit any of the pages that are published before August’19 month. I’m able to open the edit page. When I click on the edit button of the any of the widgets the page goes blank. I’ve done some troubleshooting: Here is my…

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