
Remove the gap between the Menu and the contents of Page

By James Wilmington, 8 years ago
if you go to www.boudetfrance.com you will see a VANTAGE themed website. I would like to put a slider either ABOVE the menu or DIRECTLY BELOW the menu. Whenever I try and do this via the siteorgin web page builder i get a gap between the menu and what will be my slider. http://www.boudetfrance.com/wp-content/uploads/2016/06/gap.png Can…

Vantage Theme Settings

By NigelT, 8 years ago
Can anyone tell me how I can reduce the height of the masthead & increase header text size. Is this just an option in premium or can I do this through with the free vantage theme. Thanks in advance for your help

Side Bar in Blog Posts Page – Vantage Premium

By abinofh, 8 years ago
Hi, I’m just setting up this theme now and I can’t seem to find where to turn on the side bar for the blog posts page. I have tried adding widgets to the sidebar widget in appearance as well as changing the template to default but its still failing to display the side bar. What…

Login/register link on home page

By Rah Yuliantoro, 8 years ago
Hi, I’m using Vantage theme to build my online learning website. I like it. But after some modification and setups, I just realized that there is no login/register link on the home page. Am I missing something? a setting? What should I do to have the link on the menu bar, maybe just on the…

forcing the height of site origin slider widget

By Sofia Woods, 8 years ago
Hi there – I’m using the SO page builder for one of our sites, thanks for your great plugin. We’re using the slider – see this page here http://dev.businesseventscairns.org.au/accommodation/cairns-harbour-lights/. The issue is I have hundreds of images provided and they’re not all at the same height. Is there any way I can force the slider…

Problem “Add to Cart” Button and Products Display

By rmarquez, 8 years ago
Hi there comunity, first post here, just getting started in this world, hope i do well, cheers. Whats my issue? Im trying to build an online affiliate store and for that i selected the Alpha Store Theme, right now i already created and upload it all the information regarding the products im gonna be offering.…

Extra space on the sides of the Webpage..

By Nick Carroll, 8 years ago
Hello, This is going to be a tough one for people to answer as the site in question is hosted locally as it is in development. However I hosted it briefly using SiteGround and the person I was developing the site for noticed that there was extra space on the sides when viewed on a…

Pagebuilder Template Preview & Actual Page Are Different After Update

By Paul Mabb, 8 years ago
Hi, After updating Pagebuilder to v2.4.9 and SiteOrigin Widgets Bundle is/was at 1.6.1. The layout of my prebuilt page got shifted around and doesn’t look right. However it looks fine in preview mode: Actual: https://joannerozalin.com/shop/hair-extensions-uk/premier-hair-technique2/ Preview: https://joannerozalin.com/shop/hair-extensions-uk/premier-hair-technique2/?preview=true I have disabled all plugins except site origin and this didn’t work. I also deleted the prebuilt page…

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