
Comment not shown on Android

By fitrizulkarnain, 7 years ago
My comment is not shown on android and firefox (on desktop). I’m using Vantage Free. You can check my posts here : http://kaltaracenter.com/berita/sepasang-kekasih-usia-remaja-tertangkap-pesta-sabu How to solve them? The comments appear in google chrome & uc browser on the desktop, (but not with uc browser in andorid)

How to hide mobile menu

By juliecheung, 7 years ago
Hello, We’re using Vantage, website is http://therobertstreethub.com – how can we set the mobile menu so it’s not taking up the whole of the screen? Ideally there’ll be a Menu icon, which will expand to show the options/pages. Hope you can help. kind regards, Julie

Sitebuilder stuck / no reaction

By Frankrideabel, 7 years ago
Hi all, On our website (https://rideabel.com/) , We have a problem with sitebuilder. Everything I am trying to do, there will be no information or any movement in the plugin. Previously we could adjust everything easily in the live editor etc, but there is nothing now. For some pages, the tab next to visual /…

template.php on line 317

By nigel forgan, 7 years ago
North is the only theme I have come across that gives this error. I am a bit worried about using the north theme if the theme has php errors Notice: Trying to get property of non-object in /xxx/xxx/public html/wp-includes/link-template.

Can No Longer Edit my Pages

By Montypaks, 7 years ago
All i get is a blank page IMPORTANT NOTES Now if I disable the page builder plugin, I'm able to edit pages... it loads fine but then my site is all messed up. If I disable the pagebuilder plugin, edit the page, see it reflected on the site, then reenable the plugin, I loose the…

More CSS bugs in PageBuilder 2.4.24

After updating today to Page Builder 2.4.24 and SiteOrigin Widgets Bundle 1.8.1, things have changed. The site I’m working looks terribly different. It turns out that the declaration of certain builder/widget elements has changed. I had given a row the unique ID of “services” This is how it was styled last week: div#services.panel-grid { This…

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