
Image problem on SiteOrigin Features Widget

Dear company, I´m having problems with the images on features widget…I put 3 images in a row and they appear 1.5 time in each image…wich setting I need to change to adjust the image? I think I tryed everything: large, medium, ful size for the image and never fit, always appear 1.5 times in the…

Page Builder won’t allow image load

By Satchell Jones, 7 years ago
When pagebuilder activated images won’t load within siteorigin editor widget, the image itself will load but not within the widget itself. If switch text this does not display either so no changes can be made to image or code. Images and all else does load on frontend. Have done all this: deactivated all other plugins…

SiteOrigin Image question.

By DancerHP1, 7 years ago
My website is http://triovolant.co.uk/. On the Education & Outreach page (http://triovolant.co.uk/education-outreach) I would like to change the text under each photo to be smaller as well as centred. I have the plugins Page Builder by SiteOrigin, SiteOrigin CSS and SiteOrigin Widgets Bundle installed and activated on my website. If you could explain in simple steps…

Background image fixed with Parallax scroll plugin

By crazydindon, 7 years ago
Hi, I tried the parallax scrolling plugin with the north theme. Everything seems to work but I can’t managed the background image to move. Changing the speed setting doesn’t change anything. I followed all the steps ont his thread : How to add parallax scrolling to a Page Builder row. Does anyone had this issue…

Cannot edit top of page

By drdeath, 7 years ago
I am new to using Site Origin and have got the hang of things but am having problems getting it to display ok. I cannot for some reason place anything near the top of the page, so whenever I add something it always starts below the header and image and links etc. I have tried…

Logo in masthead is to small.

By Michael van Wassem, 7 years ago
Hello, first of all, great theme! Whenever i upload the logo and change the masthead layout to ”logo in menu” it seems to come out very small. Even tho the image itself is large. What could I do to increase the logo size? www.greenideal.nl thanks in advance.

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