
Please update GlotPress project for Page Builder by SiteOrigin

By Alex Lion, 6 years ago. Last reply by Alex Lion, 6 years ago
Hi, I localized SiteOrigin CSS, SiteOrigin Widgets Bundle, and Page Builder by SiteOrigin to Traditional Chinese (Taiwan), all of them are done. The GlotPress Projects for SiteOrigin CSS and Widgets Bundle are updated, so I can submit all translations to the following URLs and users can receive localized files through WordPress Updates. SiteOrigin Widgets Bundle:…

Styles applied to parent div, not the one bearing panel-widget-style

By antwortzeit, 6 years ago. Last reply by Andrew Misplon, 6 years ago
Hey, guys, one of the last updates resulted in a very unfavorable change for us. Previously, the styles entered in the PageBuilder for a specific line affected a div with the class panel-widget-style. Now, however, parts of the adjustments affect the element above it with the class so-panel. This is a very good idea because…

Corp theme blog page issues

By Toria Posey, 6 years ago. Last reply by Andrew Misplon, 6 years ago
I have a problem when i try to change the layout of my blog page in the Corp theme. it ALWAYS turns into the homepage of the Corp theme, and its very confusing. No other page does this, but EVERY time i try to make any changes in my blog page the entire page somehow…

Changing featured image size for posts

By Yan White, 6 years ago. Last reply by Yan White, 6 years ago
Lots of threads about this one, but it isn’t working for me. I added Simple Image Sizes and regenerated the thumbnails, but no change. I also set the post_thumbnail_size there to be 600×300, but that made not difference either. The UI for all this is a bit unclear. Shouldnt it be possible to specify which…

Shortcode not working inside SiteOrigin layout

By dylan, 6 years ago. Last reply by SiteOrigin, 6 years ago
Hay, First of al love the SiteOrigin layout system. The only problem i have is that it doesent support shortcode’s. I have done a lot of reading en “solutions” like using Black Studio TinyMCE Widget and using the Revert to Editor. With the last option the layout given bij SiteOrigin page builder is not working…

Premium addons

By Lucas Sanchez, 6 years ago. Last reply by SiteOrigin, 6 years ago
Hello i’ve recently purchased the premium addons. But i cant see those addons on the live editor. Should i desactivate SiteOrigin widgets? because i could only use the free addons. Am I doing something wrong? Thanks in advance Best regards.

Vantage Theme – Site Title disappears, no logo

By inhomeavconsulting, 6 years ago. Last reply by SiteOrigin, 6 years ago
I am very new to website creation – and have found the Vantage theme in WordPress fairly easy to learn on – with one exception. My site title has disappeared – and I cannot seem to make it appear again. Sometimes it appears when I am in customize/live edit mode – but when I go…

Siteorigin Page Builder Conflicts

By Mike, 6 years ago. Last reply by SiteOrigin, 6 years ago
July 1st, 2018 Good Morning I am having some serious issues with my site. I have been and always will be using Siteorigin, however I am having issues with a plugin conflicts. At least I am assuming thats what it is. The Theme I am using is Seos Football Version: 1.1.6. I have conducted a…

Gravity Forms Incompatibility

By Thaddeus Ruszkowski, 6 years ago. Last reply by SiteOrigin, 6 years ago
Hello SiteOrigin support, there seems to be an issue or plugin conflict with Gravity Forms, Yoast SEO, and the Page Builder in general. This post from GitHub seems to outline the issue What did you expect to happen? The Page Builder should work with the popular plugins Gravity Forms and Yoast SEO. If all three…

Seo not seeing text

By Kim Allen, 6 years ago. Last reply by SiteOrigin, 6 years ago
Hi, my latest post https://allenvisioninc.com/autonomy/ the SEO is only OK. The two problems are zero words in text—there are 100+; the second is the the focus key word isn’t in the first paragraph—it is. ((I suspect that the SEO tool isn’t seeing the text) thanks, Kim

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