
Pause button for slider

By eleannaa, 7 years ago
Hello and lots of congrats for your work! I’m using page builder and it has helped me a lot! I’m trying to use also the slider and it’s beautiful, though I have a question. Is it possible to add a button to pause/resume the slider? If yes, how could I do that? Thanks a lot…

site offline but allowing some visitors to login

By gonparis, 7 years ago
Hi! I created a wordpress site a few months ago using Vantage Premium theme, wich is great. I’m not very skilled but your tutorials and forum were very hellpful. The site is almost done but it’s still offline (I use the “Site Ofline or Coming Soon” plugin). While the site’s not finished, I’d like to…

SiteOrigin Slider Problem (double imagine-overlapping)

By Marketing_Benevelli, 7 years ago
Hi, once I’ve uploaded several imagines in the widget called SiteOrigin slider I’m seeing an overlapping of these imagines as shown on this page –> www.benevelli.co.uk/agriculture_farming I’ve tried to follow up other threat without any good results, looking for a permanent solution, thanks!

Add space between two pages on primary menu

By Madison Nelson, 7 years ago
I have a client that wants to have space between two pages on the primary menu, the Contact page and the Leasing Opportunities page. The primary menu is centered on the header, and he would like the Leasing Opportunities page to be located to the right side of the header/basically right aligned with space between…

Footer Widget Alignment

By Beth Sparks, 7 years ago
Hi, I am using the Gateway Plus theme and have three widgets in my footer, therefore three columns. The left and right columns are both text and the center column contains a form. Now my problem is this: I want to right-align the text in the widget on the right. Please take a look at…

White space between Hero Image & Menu Bar

By Gijs Kremer, 7 years ago
I'm creating a new page and used one of the Page Builder pre-built layouts that include the hero image widget. I can't find the setting to remove the white space above the hero image and below the hero image.

Trying to imbed youtube video

By zelnik, 7 years ago
using page builder i can get the video to show up but the formatting is messed up. I read on antother thread that the video is suppoded to resize to the column width but that does not seem to be the case. I put three videos in a row. Two of them are overlaaping and…

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