
Vantage Theme primary menu

By Erik Lee, 7 years ago
The Vantage Theme supports one menu.. if you leave the “Assigned Menu” blank – Why does it use first created menu when displaying a page? is this a feature? When building a new page – what is the difference between the PAGE ATTRIBUTETemplate :- Default Template Page Builder Home i switch between (1) & (2)…

SiteOrigin CSS – Inspector not working

Hi I have a problem of inspector, it shows nothing in the right-hand-side which should show the CSS code of current choosed element. I tried close all other plugin and the situation continued. The theme I am using is “Discovery” by Template Express, Version: 2.3 . Thanks for your help. Screen Cap

No Gaps

By Andy Norton, 7 years ago
Hi all first time caller long time listener. I love your plugin so much a quick question i am sure youll answer very quickly as its probably easy on the link below if you go to it and scroll to the bottom between wedding brochure and catering there is a white gap and i cant…

Pagebuilder only shows blank screen

By gregorivaletti, 7 years ago
Hi Since last night I only see a blank screen at my pages built SiteOrigin Pagebuilder, I allready tried to disable all other plugins and such, I use: Page Builder by SiteOrigin Version 2.4.23 SiteOrigin Widgets Bundle Version 1.8 Livemesh SiteOrigin Widgets Version 1.4.7 And the Theme is AwakenVersion: 2.1.1 by By ThemezHut I also…

Element is off axis??

By Dean Edwards, 7 years ago
In the following screenshot below, you can see that the elements are off axis, I need them all to be aligned, but I just can’t figure it out. I am using the Sydney theme. Please assist?

Header customizing option seems to have disappeared…

By Nila Crawford Madsen, 7 years ago
I am trying desperately to change the image of the header…I applied an image once..it is there…but now I cannot find how I did it…under APPEARANCE…there is nothing with HEADER….all the videos etc I have have watched ( WP Tutorials and YOU TUBE) say to go to HEADER under APPEARANCE>…so how did i apply a…

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