
Rocked_Video_Widget is not available

By Moriah Diamond Maui, 7 years ago
No more videos or side bar. and I also get this error: “”The widget Rocked_Video_Widget is not available. Please try locate and install the missing plugin. Post on the support forums if you need help.”” I no longer see the Rocked_Video_Widget instead i see a video player widget on the SiteOrigin Widgets Bundle. How do…

Row layout – full width stretched

Hello guys I am trying to make the row with four columns centred. I try everything that comes to my mind (adding custom CSS ) but can’t make this row to be centred and all for columns to be on with same spacing. Need help to solve this ? http://prnt.sc/dhqsk6

Aligning text with the image inside the column

Hello guys I am trying to make the row with four columns centred. I try everything that comes to my mind (adding custom CSS ) but can’t make this row to be centred and all for columns to be on with same spacing. Need help to solve this ? http://prnt.sc/dhqsk6 ………………… Found what cause the…

reduce space in SiteOrigin Editor

By Ziabelle, 7 years ago
Hello, I’m trying to reduce the space that is created automatically around paragraphs, using SiteOrigin Editor. On this page http://www.laquestiondubeurre.fr/lhomme-seme/, It works ok for the 2 first headlines, but under the title ‘Distribution’, I would like to get rid (or reduce) the space between the lines. I need the two lines to be distinct paragraphs,…

Updates now show all titles and widgets as Huge.

By Beverly Aguirre, 7 years ago
Here is the sitemap: http://empathicintuitive.com/sitemap/ I basically have removed all of the widgets as they look horrible. They must be in a 200 font or something, but according to other posts, it is a bug after an update? I don’t know. I just know the site’s widgets are not legible. I tried the suggestion of…

Additional Query for woocommerce

By Deniz Acar, 7 years ago
Hi, i looked to forum but i did not found about this. I use post loop widget and i set this for showing products. But, if product stock is 0 then product displaying in loop results. How can i set it for displaying only products in stock or only featured posts? ** I tried write…

Call-To-Action alignment

By Thom Francis Job, 7 years ago
I am trying to align the Call-To-Action widget so that it is aligned like it is on the bottom of the SO pages with the text and button next to each other rather than on opposite sides.

Use So PageBuilder alongside Visual Composer?

By George Plumley, 7 years ago
I have a client who likes using your PB plugin, but their company had a site built using Visual Composer. My client’s wondering if she can install PB and, on pages where VC is not being used, use PB instead. I don’t have a VC license so can’t try it out – wondered if anyone…

How to add premium code to vantage easily

By Wayne Printer Todd, 7 years ago
I noticed a previous thread never had this info in so i thought i will add it as a new thread for those looking. Just install the vantage them as normal, go into customize and on the left side bar choose premium… enter code ;) It will then unlock the treasure chest and you can…

Logo position changing

By Zheen Bag, 7 years ago
while I change language of my site the logo and headline are changing according to language alignment but actually what I want is to block the logo and headline position like as its In English Below is my website: Home

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