
cannot edit page

By Hans Bindewald, 2 years ago. Last reply by Andrew Misplon, 2 years ago
Hi there is just one page which cannot be edited anymore: Bestellen and in the english version: Order 1. online everything is fine 2. Also the Live-Editor works 3 But as soon as I click “edit” I get as a result the actual date&time. Switching to a standard theme didn’t change anything. All other pages…

Can’t change anything in ‘SiteOrigin Widgets Bundle’ Json error.

By Marek001, 2 years ago. Last reply by Andrew Misplon, 2 years ago
Hi, recently I’ve updated my WordPress and all plugins. Now I have an issue only with SiteOrigin Widgets Bundle. When I’m trying change picture in widget or write alternativ text – I can’t save it. I’ve tried delete all cookies, refresh browser – nothing works. I’m still getting the same error: The response is not…

Stuck in “Coming Soon” mode on Vantage theme

By ahchen, 2 years ago. Last reply by Andrew Misplon, 2 years ago
Desperate for help. I’m a new WordPress user and have a managed WordPress instance thru GoDaddy (duraeuroposarchive.org), designed on the Vantage theme. I have designed my site and am ready to launch, but it seems I’m stuck in “Coming Soon” mode. I’m ready to publish, but my dashboard says “your site is not available to…

Carousel: sticky posts are ignored if taxonomy filter is active

By fedcas, 2 years ago. Last reply by Alex S, 2 years ago
Hello, I’ve tried troubleshooting this for a while, apparently “Sticky posts: Default” works on my website only if no taxonomy filter is used. In fact, according to the documentation the behaviour should be: Default (display sticky posts first) but as soon as I add a taxonomy filter (for example category:xxxx or post_tag:yyyy) the behaviour of…

SiteOrigin Widgets Bundle Installation Failed

By Ruth, 2 years ago. Last reply by Andrew Misplon, 2 years ago
Installed Vantage Theme on my WordPress site which suggested that I use SiteOrigin CSS, Page Builder by SiteOrigin and SiteOrigin Widgets Bundle Plugins. I installed all 3 of them but there seems to be an issue with the Widgets Bundle. When I try to activate it, the error reads “”One of the plugins is invalid””,…

Plugin language mix-up

By serros88, 2 years ago. Last reply by Andrew Misplon, 2 years ago
Hi Very strange, my WP is in English and also SiteOrigin plugin, but SOME of the menus are in FRENCH! For example I have ONGLETS instead of TAB, but all explanations are in English. With this mixup, problems to find the right NAMES! What to do to fix? Thanks Serge

Vantage Theme style sheet not found

By Kevhalley, 2 years ago. Last reply by Andrew Misplon, 2 years ago
Hi, I’ve just noticed that a website I manage that uses the Vantage theme has completely broken. It says the the Theme Stylesheet can’t be found. I don’t want to touch anything and make it worse. Any ideas as to why this has happened and how I can revert it?

Issues with mobile version: Meta Silder and Menu

By roseicollis, 2 years ago. Last reply by Andrew Misplon, 2 years ago
Hi! I was wondering if anyone could advise me on how to make the meta slider work on the header of the mobile version? The meta slider on the desktop version is perfect, but becomes a static image on the mobile version. Besides, I have done everything I can to make sure that the menus…

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