
I created a Theme

By Luccas Alves Gaulia, 11 months ago. Last reply by Andrew Misplon, 11 months ago
Guys, I created a Theme and it is working almost correctly, I noticed that if the “SiteOrigin Page Builder” plugin is not installed, nothing appears when editing the Theme. 1st How do I remove this “dependency” if I created it thinking about not using any dependent plugin? 2nd If there is no way, how can…

Siteorigin & WPML String Translation

By Christoph, 11 months ago. Last reply by Alex S, 11 months ago
Hi, I have a problem with the pagebuilder and WPML String translation. I created costume widgets for my site. Therefor I used WPML String translation for some fixed phrases like echo __(“MEHR LESEN”,”MyText”); in the render.php Strings in WPML are all registered in the wrong language. They are registered in english, altough prime language is…

Corp and Unwind PHP 8.1

By enf, 11 months ago. Last reply by Andrew Misplon, 11 months ago
Hello I m using these two themes on my websites. My hosting is forcing to upgrade the php version to php 8.1 Before doing this I would like to be sure that your themes are compatible with php 8.1 version. Could you please confirm it? thank you best regards

Uncaught Error: Undefined constant

By Joxe Rojas, 11 months ago. Last reply by Alex S, 11 months ago
At least since september, everytime we try to add a new post to our blog, instead of the usual post editing window, we get this one, asking me details about a Tweet, our Twitter user, API key and secret, e.a. Also inmediateluy, we get an automated WordPress email informing us of a critical error, which…

The /wp-admin/siteorigin Url doesn’t work for Bitnami WordPress Multisite

By Wee Sritippho, 11 months ago. Last reply by Alex S, 11 months ago
Hello, I’m attempting to utilize the SiteOrigin Widgets Bundle with Bitnami WordPress Multisite. However, I’ve encountered an issue where the /wp-admin/siteorigin URL fails to load after activating the plugin. Here are the steps I followed: 1. First, ensure that Docker and Docker Compose are installed on your system. 2. Download the docker-compose.yml file from this…

Can’t update

By socalcomic, 11 months ago. Last reply by SiteOrigin, 11 months ago
it seems page builder plugin when installed is not allowing me to save and update pages. any idea why? Using WP 6.3.1 PHP 8.0. This just started a couple weeks ago

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