
Layout Slider Doesn’t Display correctly

By Mariekeg, 1 month ago. Last reply by Andrew Misplon, 26 days ago
The layout slider isn’t displaying properly, seems like on of the inner elements is being set with a height that is too small. If I resize the window it’ll correct itself but will be incorrect when the page is first loaded, usually 50% of the time. This occurs on laptop, phone and tablet. Here is…

wie kann ich einen Beitrag oder Bild wieder löschen?

By Fairbussi, 30 days ago. Last reply by Andrew Misplon, 28 days ago
Hallo, ich hatte beim erstellen eines Widgets versehentlich nur 1 Spalte gewählt, anstatt 2. Dies ist mir erst hinterher bewußt geworden. Nun habe ich versucht dieses Bild zu löschen, um 2 Widgets an diese Stelle zu setzen. Dabei mußte ich feststellen, dass dies nicht möglich ist. heißt dies, dass ich diese Seite nochmal erstellen sollte?…

Бесконечно продолжается загрузка Визуального редактора

By Stayer1986, 1 month ago. Last reply by Andrew Misplon, 30 days ago
Добрый день! У меня возникла следующая проблема с плагином SiteOrigin PageBuilder. На хостинге установлена CMS WordPress 6.6.1. Установлен плагин Page Builder от SiteOrigin версии 2.29.20. При создании страницы при попытке перейти в Визуальный редактор бесконечно длится загрузка страницы. В результате Визуальный редактор не загружается. Хочу еще уточнить, может ли такое происходить из-за того, что в…

How to get page builder active?

By George Jerome, 30 days ago. Last reply by Andrew Misplon, 30 days ago
New website, new installation of Page builder. I can’t get PB to show up on my new home page. All I get are those *&^%$#@ blocks! I set PB to be default in settings, but still I get no hint of PB anywhere. How do I get it to be available, preferably with no “blocks”…

Vantage Theme – cannot center the menu

By deoncol, 1 month ago. Last reply by Andrew Misplon, 1 month ago
After updating the Vantage Theme I noticed that the menu shifted from the center to the left of the page. I then went into the Customize section and tried changing it back to center but no luck at all. The menu stays on the left now. Are there any fixes I can try? Website is…

Escaped HTML since 2.29.16

By johnAq, 1 month ago. Last reply by Alex S, 1 month ago
FYI, I’ve also asked this on the WordPress.org support forum on a similar sounding issue… https://wordpress.org/support/topic/these-strings-use-the-esc_html-function-and-are-not-translated-14/ Or, it may potentially/also relate to Technical changes cause issue with page builder since update 2.29.17 for shortcodes To reiterate: I have a problem to do with escaped html showing instead of formatted text in some widgets. After quite…

Critical Error

By Matthew Larkins, 1 month ago. Last reply by Andrew Misplon, 1 month ago
Hi – I’ve disabled plugins, flushed caches etc… please can you assist. I can’t edit pages when the page builder is active, the page won’t even load. Can you send me a link to upload the log-file to please?

After WordPress update – can’t change font size/color in SiteOriginEditor

By Peterackermann, 1 month ago. Last reply by Andrew Misplon, 1 month ago
Dear Admin Team I am facing a problem where I cannot change font size or color anymore in the SiteOrigin Editor, since I recently updated the WordPress version to the newest version. Before, this used to work perfectly. The Advanced Editor Tools (Formerly TinyMCE) plugin is installed, and the option allowing me to change font…

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