
Extra space on the sides of the Webpage..

By Nick Carroll, 8 years ago
Hello, This is going to be a tough one for people to answer as the site in question is hosted locally as it is in development. However I hosted it briefly using SiteGround and the person I was developing the site for noticed that there was extra space on the sides when viewed on a…

Pagebuilder Template Preview & Actual Page Are Different After Update

By Paul Mabb, 8 years ago
Hi, After updating Pagebuilder to v2.4.9 and SiteOrigin Widgets Bundle is/was at 1.6.1. The layout of my prebuilt page got shifted around and doesn’t look right. However it looks fine in preview mode: Actual: https://joannerozalin.com/shop/hair-extensions-uk/premier-hair-technique2/ Preview: https://joannerozalin.com/shop/hair-extensions-uk/premier-hair-technique2/?preview=true I have disabled all plugins except site origin and this didn’t work. I also deleted the prebuilt page…

Vantage Header problem

By seajay1958, 8 years ago
I have installed Vantage and also have the siteorigin builder and widgets installed. There is something wrong with the header though. There is no white space at the top, the vantage logo is not displayed by default and there is no text displayed at all in the header. It is easier to show you than…

SiteOrigin v. Layers?

By Robert, 8 years ago
Hello. I had already started building a site using the Layers theme before I found SiteOrigin. Simple question; will Page Builder and your plugins and widgets still work with the Layers theme (www.layerswp.com)? Thanks.

Post Loop display posts not working

By 林玫君, 8 years ago
When I’m using Post Loop, should I need to install any widget? This is my settings Post type – ‘post’ Post in – ‘ ‘ Taxonomies – ‘category:band’ Date range – ‘From 2016/01/01 To 2018/01/01’ Order by – ‘post ID’ Posts per page – ‘ ‘ Sticky posts – ‘default’ Additional – ‘ ‘ and…

Site and WordPress Administration interface corrupted

By Gaetano Liggieri, 8 years ago
Yesterday I updated the Vantage Premium Theme to “premium” version. After having correctly installing it I decided also to updated the wordpress version to 4.5.3. After having done these steps I met a series of anomalies in my site: some parts of it disappeared, others changed the fonts and dimensions, pcs sliders blocked, some widgets…

PageBuilder Issues – loads but does not edit

By Fabio Pinto, 8 years ago
I am currently trying to create a new website using the Create Theme from ThemeTrust (http://themetrust.com/themes/create/). I have been having problems with pagebuilder not working correctly. I can’t add new rows, widgets or even prebuilt layouts when using pagebuilder. I can add content using the visual or text editor. I have tried deactivating all plugins…

SiteOrigin Page Builder Is Gone From My Site

By Edward Nathan Lazzari, 8 years ago
Hello – I logged into my WP to do some work on my site and noticed that the Page Builder tab on all my pages and posts is missing and all my pages/posts have been converted back to normal layout. I uninstalled the Plugin and tried reinstalling it. and I rebooted my computer nothing worked.…

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