
Text controls not showing up

Hi, On a couple of sites I am developing (current example is http://miglobal.ca), the text controls for Pagebuilder are not showing up. It is completely blank. I have tried to delete and reinstall Pagebuilder. Site Origin Widgets Bundle is installed. In user profile, visual editor usage is enabled. Can you please help me to get…

Vantage Theme Masthead – Unable to remove white space around logo

By Nancy Garrity, 6 years ago
Hello, I’ve read many posts on this topic and have tried several things including adding this code using Simple CSS, /* Header Padding */ header#masthead hgroup { padding-bottom: 0 !important; padding-top: 0 !important; padding-left: 0 !important; padding-right:0 !important; } .main-navigation { margin-top: -9px !important; } Unfortunately, I can’t get rid of that extra padding on…

Problem with Page Builder and Widgets.

By Hudakoz, 6 years ago
I’ve been using page builder for 1 and a half years. It’s not a simple problem. Then again, I am not an expert with SiteOrigin. I am merely a user. I too am having a similar issue with SiteOragins Rich Texted Editor Widget and how it communicates with SiteOragins Page Builder. My Problem is defined…

SiteOrigin Tabs

By Peter Phung, 6 years ago
Hi I am using SiteOrigin Tabs Plugin and currently have two tabs created: Tab 1 Use Cases (This will be a Layout Builder where i added a widget Services (to pull all my services based on the slug i call out) ) Tab 2 Future Use Cases (This will be a Layout Builder where i…

Shortcode suddenly showing as text

By Deb Cooper, 6 years ago
Just had an email to state that the shortcode on www.bvrunners.org.uk is showing up as text. Did a check and yup, all the shortcodes are showing. There hasn’t been any change that I can see. I’ve tried with different theme – no joy. I’ve tried disabling plugins – still no joy. HELP! Deb

SiteOrigin CSS Plugin not working

By Larry Frazier, 6 years ago
I am currently using the Vantage theme on my main site. I installed the CSS Plugin, but when I go to use it neither the visual nor the text editor main window shows up. The “text, decoration, and layout window does show up. “The plugin works fine on my test site. Here are the things…

Using Post-in-Page Shortcode

By J Alexander Rutherford, 6 years ago
Hello, I am attempting to create a simple post link on the front page of my site teleioteti.ca that will feature and image and excerpt of a post that does not have a featured image (using wordpress shoreditch theme). I am using the page builder text box with post-in-page shortcode. The shortcode works well in…

Comments submission problem

By Arun Sabharwal, 6 years ago
HI I am using the vantage premium 2.6. I had not noticed earlier but after submitting the comments on any post, Comments Text area is not being cleared and subscribers are not getting the message for moderation, giving an indication to users that comments have not been submitted. Request you to provide the solution. I…

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