
SiteOrigin contact form

By Maria Amelia Sanchez, 7 years ago
What can I do if I want the contact form to stay in the page but with the fields in blank. I know that maybe this has to do with some action performed in jQuery or JS, but the thing is I can't find the code so I can modify this.

Widgets keep loading endlessly

By spring, 7 years ago
Cannot load all the site origin widgets when I try to edit the content.Pop-up box just show the sign of loading and other than that, everything is blank. I try to search in the forum and found that someone facing the same problem. But the solution given not working for me. Already disabled all the…

Hide/show rows and widgets by Uri parameters

By Sergey Chervach, 7 years ago
It’s likely to be useful for many people, especially where they adwertise some pages by AdWords/FB etc. I use particular JScript for hidding widgets by CSS IDs depend on URI-parameners. But why we should send some unnecessary elements to visitors? Best way is to remove them from code by php logic. Thanks

why there is white space between rows?

By Prakhar Monga, 7 years ago
i am using virtue theme. there is too much white space between rows. i have read all previous threads but the problem is still there. this white space problem is a old one , i don’t know why siteorigin page builder developers have come up with a solution. guys please make it simple like other…

Duplicated pages in bottom of home page

By BSBPARENTS, 7 years ago
Hi there, I’m using twenty seventeen theme with Site Origins and page builder I don’t know how it happened, but now all the content of my website is in the home page, added at the end of it I cannot get rid of it, cannot erase, modify with editor.. nothing. The aspect is horrible in…

Implementing buttons

By dw, 7 years ago
Hiya guys, I have a wordpress website set up by my web man. (Who has now disappeared). The main body of my home page is implemented properly but the buttons and text above it have been placed on a blog page which is where the information is being drawn from. Sorry, my explanation is not…

Siteorigin Editor Issues

By Niket Agrawal, 7 years ago
Dear Team, I have been facing this issues intermittently on numerous encounters these days. On Every new site,whenever i install Siteorigin widget bundle and try to use it, the editor never works. Below are the error received from console. Please find out the root cause and fix this ASAP.

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