

By George Papamichelakis, 7 years ago
Hi and thanks for this great plugin. I’m trying to figure out how to split a long page created with pagebuilder, but I can’t seem to find a way to do it . Looks that a widget with the nextpage function whould proove helpful in my case at least. Is there anyway to insert a…

Trouble with publication in blog section

By MariaTeresa Alessandrini, 7 years ago
Hi sirs. I’ve a problem with this site: www.ristorantedonpepe.it I send a screen shot to understand better that I mean, bottom this page I’ve created a post, inside blog, using “page buolder. But in Home Page, under the picture compares all the “html code”. Why? If I use normal editor it’s ok. But I’d want…

Plugin Crash

By ChecMark, 7 years ago
Only one widget out of many was saved and everything else was gone. As soon as I selected the widget I was suddenly in the lower section of the page where social was, for example and there was no way to move the widget up to the row.

Content not staying in place Pt 2

By jele, 7 years ago
Hi! I’m sorry, but there was a misunderstanding regarding the old thread: https://siteorigin.com/thread/content-not-staying-in-place/ I saw the last comment by Alex from my phone and completely missed the writing underneath the screenshot. My answer was only in response to whether my question was about that content. To answer your additional questions: I only added the column…

How to display So PageBuilder layout programmatically ?

By Fernand Gary, 7 years ago
Hello! I’m trying to display a PageBuilder layout into a page from another page. I’ve tried many solutions (setup_postdata, new SiteOrigin_Panels instance, shortcode, widget with PageBuilder), but nothing work. The post content stay filtered. In the fact, it’s for an MU platform, I must “clone” content from main site to child, and it must stay…

Change ‘submit button’ text to lowercase?

How can I change the submit button text on the site origin form, from uppercase to lowercase? It’s on this page: http://newsite.advswimschool.co.uk/?page_id=180 There’s nothing in the settings section. I’m still learning how to use WordPress so my knowledge of CSS is fairly limited but I did try looking for the button in the site inspector…

How to customize thumbnail size in product page?

By Pulpitos Oratoria, 7 years ago
Hi, after the last upgrade of the vantage theme, in may 10,2017, lost the customization CSS in the size of the thumbnais. I need show this images in 50% of the actual default size. I made a Child Vantage theme for this customization. But the CSS lost effect to this images… Thank you very much…

Cell index problem

Before updating the plugin $panels data have a cell index value, but after update the v.2.5.0 cell index value is missing. Is there any idea to solve this problem, because my lot of site i styled like that.

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